The Air Corps . . . does not, at this time, feel justified in obligating . . . funds for basic jet propulsion research and experimentation.

I'm not a foodie; I'm an eatie. I don't have anything against foodies. I just don't have the time or the interest to do that much research.

In the long run, curiosity-driven research just works better... Real breakthroughs come from people focusing on what they're excited about.

Research material can turn up anywhere - in a dusty old letter in an archive, a journal or some old photographs you find in a charity shop.

There is no such thing as a good or bad ad in isolation. What is good at one moment is bad at another. Research can trap you into the past.

There's all kinds of research that shows children operate best if they start the day with some proper food inside them - it's a no-brainer.

There's a lot of research now showing that noise, and the lack of quiet working space, is one of the biggest issues for all office workers.

I am aware that those hateful persons called Original Researchers now maintain that Raleigh was not the man; but to them I turn a deaf ear.

Our understanding of the human brain can be dramatically accelerated if we collect and share research data on an exponentially wider scale.

To put it bluntly, research shows that we can’t multitask. We are biologically incapable of processing attention-rich inputs simultaneously.

As long as I had easy access to psychedelics at the government-sponsored research project, most of my energy went into psychedelic sessions.

Every time I see some piece of medical research saying that caffeine is good for you, I high-five myself. Because I'm going to live forever.

You'll learn more in a day talking to customers than a week of brainstorming, a month of watching competitors, or a year of market research.

All research scientists know that writing in the passive voice is artificial; they are not disembodied observers, but people doing research.

With period dramas, it's very easy to get excited because I love to do them. I'm a history nut and I love to immerse myself in the research.

We have a responsibility to promote stem cell research which could lead to treatments and cures for diseases affecting millions of Americans.

Cancer affects everyone, and it's up to all of us to support the important research that can one day make a much sought-after cure a reality.

Research is so unpredictable. There are periods when nothing works and all your experiments are a disaster and all your hypotheses are wrong.

Never before in the history of the modern research university have entire departments and fields been devoted to purely ideological pursuits.

I'm publicizing the book that's done. I'm writing the book that's in the hopper, and I'm doing a little advance research on the book to come.

As part of my research, I read a lot. Then I think and do a lot of sketches. I'll never go to work on the computer unless I have ideas first.

As an astrophysicist, my research work involves mapping dark matter, the elusive substance that accounts for about a quarter of our universe.

Babies and young children are like the research and development division of the human species, and we grown-ups are production and marketing.

All of my books are about researching. I do all the research and I give it to a writer who can put it in the written word better than I could.

It's wonderful to see more of my colleagues recognizing the importance of investing in STEM education and scientific research and development.

The research rat of the future allows experimentation without manipulation of the real world. This is the cutting edge of modeling technology.

According to the best research, less than 3% of Americans have written goals, and less than 1% review and rewrite their goals on a daily basis.

Make sure to be well informed before accepting the challenge of a commission - check out that you have a source of reference readily available.

If we choose to ignore science and refuse to fund important scientific research, we voluntarily cede our place as a world leader in innovation.

In the beginning the gods did not at all reveal all things clearly to mortals, but by searching men in the course of time find them out better.

I was a Ph.D. student at a very reputable university, I was a Harvard research associate at one of the world's premier leadership institutions.

Few professors would dare to publish research or teach a course debunking the claims made in various ethnic, gender, or other 'studies' courses.

The classical example of a successful research programme is Newton's gravitational theory: possibly the most successful research programme ever.

Britain should be the world's number one center for genetic and stem cell research, building on our world leading regulatory regime in the area.

One thing ImageNet changed in the field of AI is suddenly people realized the thankless work of making a dataset was at the core of AI research.

For me, any book I'm writing is also a chance to get in and research and read and learn things that I maybe only knew a little bit about before.

I have a simple algorithm, which is, wherever you see paid researchers instead of grad students, that's not where you want to be doing research.

Sadly, embryonic stem cell research is completely legal in this country and has been going on at universities and research facilities for years.

From an operating system research point of view, Unix is if not dead certainly old stuff, and it's clear that people should be looking beyond it.

I did as much research as I could and I took ownership of this illness, because if you don't take care of your body, where are you going to live?

I like the freedom of research. Plus, if I fail in science, I know I can always survive because I have an M.D. This has been my insurance policy.

During the course of my research, I had had occasion to examine not only simple compounds, salts and oxides, but also a great number of minerals.

In mathematics we find the primitive source of rationality; and to mathematics must the biologists resort for means to carry out their researches.

One major problem with any science is that people who don't know the conceptual history of their field go round re-inventing the elliptical wheel.

'Lincoln' was a very sacred workplace. Everyone did a lot of research for that movie and wanted to show up informed and ready to enter that world.

Ideas for my first experiments in human aggression came from discussions we had in a research seminar about William Golding's 'Lord of the Flies.'

When I want to choose to work with someone, you know, I definitely have to do some research on their background and how they were raised as people.

I was doing research on the Mormon handcart tragedy when I came across information about Brigham Young sending out missions to the Indians in 1855.

It's very rare that I ever go and research a particular subject. Mostly I do serendipitous research, I read stuff, things spinning out of the page.

There is very little sense that anybody really knows what works or why. But that's not a shock. And I don't think market research would solve that.

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