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It isn't personal per se to document what the Republican Party leadership is doing and how they're abrogating actual leadership.
Both sides of the aisle - Republican and Democrat - have been unwilling and afraid to address the deficit, and someone's got to.
In 2004, I ran for Congress and lost. In 2006, I ran again and won - defeating Richard Pombo, a seven-term Republican incumbent.
I always enjoy watching Republicans compliment Bill Clinton now, because at the time, I'm sure he didn't feel a lot of the love.
Hawaiians want change, and if the Democrats don't offer change, Hawaiians are going to vote for the Republican who offers change.
I'm a Republican and I'm gonna stay a Republican because they need somebody like me to stay in the Party and keep hammering away.
The policies on the Republican side have been much better for Hispanics, for minorities, but the rhetoric, unfortunately, has not.
It would probably be too easy a cop out to say that just Republican males hate me. Though there's a large swath of them, for sure.
I don't like to talk about politics. If you say you're a Democrat, that'll turn off Republicans, and that's half of your fan base.
I believe I have voted for both Democrats and Republicans. Am I either one? Absolutely not. Ladies and gentlemen, I am an American.
The Democrats and the Republicans are equally corrupt where money is concerned. It's only in the amount where the Republicans excel.
If I told you I was a Republican and you were a Democrat, no matter what I said after that, it would be tempered with your opinions.
Republicans are being loyal to their donors. They're being loyal to the paymasters, if you will. And it's squandering an opportunity.
I wish I really knew what the Republican foreign policy has been. I don't. I am a Democrat, and I really don't know what it has been.
President Reagan, of course, did more than any other person to entrench the Republican reputation for toughness on national security.
The Republicans were not always insane. They might've had politics I didn't agree with, but they weren't always actually certifiable.
Equality is a slogan based on envy. It signifies in the heart of every republican: "Nobody is going to occupy a place higher than I."
The problem we are dealing with at the border is not a Democratic problem. It is not a Republican problem. It is an American problem.
How can the Republicans get away with picking their Dennis Kucinich, but when - if the Democrats tried it, all hell would break lose?
The fact is, I can vote for anybody; independents, Republicans, Democrats. But I'm a registered Democrat in the District of Columbia.
[Trade] was clearly a factor.That was a complete reversal of where things are normally at. Usually Republicans are all for free trade.
[ Republican Party] is correctly described as a "radical insurgency" by one of the leading conservative commentators, Norman Ornstein.
The manners of women are the surest criterion by which to determine whether a republican government is practicable in a nation or not.
I do feel like there`s this Republican Party establishment is in disarray. That`s the story that the Donald Trump surge seems to tell.
There is no democrats or republicans, right or left, red state or blue state. We are all one. And we are all unified against Mexicans.
My Republican colleagues say, Let's do the cuts first. The Democrats say, Let's do spending first. I'd like to do both simultaneously.
At the Republican convention, there were lots of words used to describe Hillary Clinton, but warm, funny and caring weren't among them.
Washington is broken. I know what it takes to get this country back, and will work with good Democrats and good Republicans to do that.
I will not be a Democrat or a Republican. They are the problem, not the solution. We need to abolish political parties in this country.
My dad took me to John Kennedy's inauguration when I was 8. We come every time, Republican and Democrat, because of this great country.
We reaffirm that on days like this, there are no Republicans or Democrats. We are Americans, united in concern for our fellow citizens.
If Abe Lincoln took part in the Republican debates, he would look out of place with his intelligence, compassion and gaping head wound.
[The Republicans] looked at basically the failed wars and they said, oh, this, us being the policeman of the world, that is not working.
Join the Republican party if you cannot abide Democrats. You will probably loathe Republicans just as much, but there are fewer of them.
I was a middle-of-the-road Democrat more than anything else. I know I voted for Carter. Watergate taught me how bad the Republicans were.
Our job as Americans and as Republicans is to dislodge the traitors from every place where they've been sent to do their traitorous work.
Democrats love to criticize Republicans on guns, but they are generally mute when it comes to taking on Hollywood or the gaming industry.
Republicans let this happen over and over, and there is never anyone to stick up for them. They spend too much time defending themselves.
What the media is doing is, again, just going after the Democrats and the Republicans and making it about politics instead of principles.
Many militarists would like to see California's votes vanish from the national electoral system, which would then become more Republican.
This is a guy [Michael Flynn] who stood up at the Republican convention and reveled in the chants of "lock her up" about Hillary Clinton.
A lot of conservatives, a big part of the Republican base don't like his position on common core, don't like his position on immigration.
Again, if I was going to call Romney and the Republicans stupid, I'm certainly not going to call the Democrats and President Obama stupid.
There are just too many Americans grubbing for free stuff and a preponderance of Republicans eager to parcel it out in exchange for power.
I stand for limited government, fiscal responsibility, personal freedom, personal responsibility, so the Republican Party will support me.
Ten of those Republican incumbents, all of whom voted for the impeachment of President Clinton, are from states that Bill Clinton carried.
Hillary Clinton's ready to pivot to Asia and provoke China. So are the Republicans. It's on domestic issues that there will be a gridlock.
The changes that take place when liberal Democrats replace not so liberal or compassionate Republicans (or Democrats) are merely cosmetic.
The fundamental problem for Republicans when it comes to the environment is that whatever you say is viewed through the prism of suspicion.
The Bernie Sanders phenomenon shows that it's not confined to Republicans. There is a general sentiment that America is on the wrong track.