The family spirit has rendered man carnivorous.

A genuinely happy person is one who has rendered others happy.

That service is the noblest which is rendered for its own sake.

It pains me physically to see a woman victimized, rendered pathetic, by fashion.

I have rendered my country and people an enormous service. They owe me everything.

They committed murder, it is true; but their situation may have rendered it inevitable.

Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the good intentions of those who create it.

I write the kinds of novels I like to read, where the setting is rendered with love and care.

Gratitude is not only the memory but the homage of the heart rendered to God for his goodness.

Religion may be defined thus: a belief in, and homage rendered to, existences unseen and causes unknown.

Most honorable are services rendered to the State; even if they do not go beyond words, they are not to be despised.

One can measure the importance of a scientific work by the number of earlier publications rendered superfluous by it.

Perhaps the greatest social service that can be rendered by anybody to the country and to mankind is to bring up a family.

From Romare Bearden I learned that the fullness and richness of everyday life can be rendered without compromise or sentimentality.

Too many on the Left are earnest about nothing at all, sadly. They've been rendered spineless by snarkiness - not least on Twitter.

In the arts the way in which an idea is rendered, and the manner in which it is expressed, is much more important than the idea itself.

In sum, thought and reflection have been rendered thoroughly pointless by the circumstances in which modern men and women live and act.

Most people assume that my style is so outlandish and out there, but the reality is I like very classic pieces just rendered unusually.

The most important service rendered by the press and the magazines is that of educating people to approach printed matter with distrust.

While I'm a big fan of science fiction, especially as rendered in expensive Hollywood blockbusters, it's the real universe that calls to me.

Lawyers have rendered immense sacrifices for the restoration of democracy and free judiciary, and their role in this regard cannot be ignored.

Christians are commanded to pray in the name of Jesus. It is not a practice reserved just for personal prayers, or prayers rendered in church.

The same energy of character which renders a man a daring villain would have rendered him useful in society, had that society been well organized.

When the British-Malaysian photographer Ian Teh first worked in China, more than a decade ago, he rendered it as a nation of people in Technicolor.

Mandatory minimum sentences give no discretion to judges about the amount of time that the person should receive once a guilty verdict is rendered.

I don't read for plot, a story 'about' this or that. There must be some kind of philosophical depth rendered into the language, something happening.

Poetry is this gorgeous, complex history rendered in verse and song, a blueprint that can lead you back into the world after you've walked into air.

Endless are the instances of men of bright parts and high spirit having been, by degrees, rendered powerless and despicable by their imaginary wants.

We have grown up in an age where there is nothing that cannot now, courtesy of computer-generated imagery, be convincingly rendered in the visual field.

A little group of willful men, representing no opinion but their own, have rendered the great government of the United States helpless and contemptible.

I suppose that the scope and implications of such forces have rendered my personal accounting ritual pretty much obsolete. That's how things sometimes go.

I feel just fine about ignoring or bypassing the rights of people I have known and loved to be rendered faithfully, or to be left in peace, and out of novels.

What prudent merchant will hazard his fortunes in any new branch of commerce when he knows not that his plans may be rendered unlawful before they can be executed?

There's a Darwinian struggle amongst terror groups for hegemony. Da'esh has broken out of the pack because Al-Qaeda and the rest rendered allegiance to Mullah Omar.

This homage has been rendered not to me - for the Polish soil is fertile and does not lack better writers than me - but to the Polish achievement, the Polish genius.

I have known war as few men now living know it. It's very destructiveness on both friend and foe has rendered it useless as a means of settling international disputes.

My progress was rendered delightful by the sylvan elegance of the groves, chearful meadows, and high distant forests, which in grand order presented themselves to view.

Some critics argue that a tsunami of hogwash has already rendered the Web useless. I disagree. We are indeed inundated by online noise pollution, but the problem is soluble.

It is only by drawing often, drawing everything, drawing incessantly, that one fine day you discover to your surprise that you have rendered something in its true character.

If human rights are an attribute of being human, then we must consider the fact that tens of millions of displaced people around the world have been rendered less than human.

I used to subscribe to Nintendo Power. The first issue had 'Mario 2,' and it had all the characters rendered in clay. So I started making all of these characters out of clay.

Clericalism has rendered some of Ireland's brightest, most privileged and powerful men either unwilling or unable to address the horrors cited in the Ryan and Murphy Reports.

Our culture's obsession with vintage objects has rendered us unable to separate history from nostalgia. People want heart. They want a chaser of emotion with their aesthetics.

I believe that President Clinton considered the legal merits of the arguments for the pardon as he understood them, and he rendered his judgment, wise or unwise, on the merits.

During the nineteenth century, men died believing in the cause of royalty or republicanism. In reality, much of their sacrifice was rendered on the altar of the new nationalism.

Obamacare has burdened New York families with unaffordable premiums, rendered some insurance plans unusable because of high deductibles, and caused people to lose their doctors.

The fundamental laws of physics do not describe true facts about reality. Rendered as descriptions of facts, they are false; amended to be true, they lose their explanatory force.

Crimes of the century differ from the garden variety of murders. They involve wealth, celebrity and powerful attorneys, and live on for decades after the verdict has been rendered.

Racism is a moral catastrophe, most graphically seen in the prison industrial complex and targeted police surveillance in black and brown ghettos rendered invisible in public discourse.

Service which is rendered without joy helps neither the servant nor the served. But all other pleasures and possessions pale into nothingness before service which is rendered in a spirit of joy.

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