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The process of learning requires not only hearing and applying but also forgetting and then remembering again.
Activate yourself to duty by remembering your position, who you are, and what you have obliged yourself to be.
Let us be of good cheer, however, remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never come.
Tradition means taking account of a wonderful history but remembering that everybody today looks to the future.
Public participation helped create the Internet, and it helps protect it. That's worth celebrating and remembering.
When I turned about 12 or 13, I realised that being funny wasn't about remembering jokes. It was about creating them.
Being away from the game and just remembering why I love competing and all of that, I think it helped me tremendously.
If the novelist isn't surprised by where his book ends up, he or she probably hasn't written anything worth remembering.
Dignified and respectful quietude speaks much louder than pomp and circumstance when it comes to remembering those who died.
My dad, he was my role model - my mom died when I was three - and the way we honor our parents is remembering their heritage.
As long as I can keep remembering the lines and getting to the locations, I want to keep working as long as I can. I love it.
Doing scripted acting is a challenge to me. I can't remember things too good, so remembering lines is a challenge to your boy.
Memory has always been fundamental for me. In fact, remembering what I had forgotten is the way most of the poems get started.
I have played in so many games and have had so many incredible moments that selecting one or remembering all of them is impossible.
I don't do a lot of research, exactly, but I'm constantly wandering through the world finding things incredible and remembering them.
When writing screenplays, it's a matter of remembering to leave off the page anything and everything that doesn't appear on the screen.
Memory that yearns to join the centre, a limb remembering the body from which it has been severed, like those bamboo thighs of the god.
In remembering the appalling suffering of war on both sides, we recognise how precious is the peace we have built in Europe since 1945.
The kind of thing I'm good at is knowing every politician in the state and remembering where he itches. And I know where to scratch him.
The older you get the more new memories get wiped out, and you end up remembering more about your early life than what you did last week.
As businesses, as communities, as families, and friends, we need to go forward remembering that we're all connected in one way or another.
All the superhero stuff, somewhere deep down, I think it nudges us into remembering that, really, we're all fabulous if you let go of fear.
When I'm at work, I'm remembering what I forgot to do for the kids, and when I'm with the kids, I'm remembering what I forgot to do at work.
You can't be too careful what you tell a child because you never know what he'll take hold of and spend the rest of his life remembering you by.
For me, I'm just too bad at remembering the details of lengths of parts of songs, so if we had backing tracks, it would be a recipe for disaster.
It's so hard to listen to an album you created and without remembering where you were when you wrote it or referencing the the recording experience.
There's a difference between art and entertainment. Entertainment is really about forgetting about your life, and art is about remembering your life.
I believe accurately remembering - and honoring - our whole past is the first step in governing in a way that effectively represents the whole America.
Since I'd developed this fear of not remembering my lines, I took 'Mulholland Drive' as a test for myself. It was a long monologue: no one else speaks.
I'm remembering one book that I wrote, 'Fourth Grade Rats,' that took a month to write, but most of them, full-length novels, I would say about a year.
I wanted to be an actor, like, so, so bad. I took acting classes, I auditioned for Disney, and then I realized how nervous I got with remembering lines.
After a gig I always head back to the hotel, remembering granny's words of wisdom. I cancel the late-night pizza and watch the Jonathan Ross show instead.
The past will always affect me, and I will keep that in mind while remembering that how it played out is only my starting point, not my final destination.
It is a full time job being honest one moment at a time, remembering to love, to honor, to respect. It is a practice, a discipline, worthy of every moment.
We're told that when we remember, the same parts of our brain light up as when we experienced the event we're remembering. Your brain lives through it again.
I notice when I'm on these trips, I read like mad. It's the only thing that seems to center me, bring me back to remembering who I am. Or forgetting who I am!
Morality, like language, is an invented structure for conserving and communicating order. And morality is learned, like language, by mimicking and remembering.
We must welcome the future, remembering that soon it will be the past; and we must respect the past, remembering that it was once all that was humanly possible.
During the writing of all of my books, I've learned that, most of all, people want to know that someone is listening and - this is the tricky part - remembering.
Remembering servicemen and women who lost their lives for their country is not about you. It is not about your rights or what you believe in. It is about respect.
As bad as we are at remembering names and phone numbers and word-for-word instructions from our colleagues, we have really exceptional visual and spatial memories.
The synagogues of late antiquity and the early medieval period were built around imagery: imagery of remembering the Temple, but also of the celestial zodiac, too.
Whatever I like, even after a long time, I still like it. And I reminisce about the moment when I first heard it. That's what I love. Just remembering those moments.
I'm a writer obsessed with remembering: with remembering the past of America above all - and above all, that of Latin America, intimate land condemned to forgetfulness.
In remembering those who lost their lives in the London attacks and the September 11th attacks we continue our commitment to fighting for freedom, democracy and justice.
Let us eat and drink neither forgetting death unduly nor remembering it. The Lord hath mercy on whom he will have mercy, etc., and the less we think about it the better.
I just find that there's something about looking back on interviews, whether for purposes of remembering what I said about something or if it's for posterity when I'm 75.
Our sense of worth, of well-being, even our sanity depends upon our remembering. But, alas, our sense of worth, our well-being, our sanity also depend upon our forgetting.
Very few stories embody a human truth so definitively that we cannot think of the truth without remembering the story and cannot imagine how people ever got by without it.
Ian Fleming was my cousin, and he wanted me to play Dr. No, but by the time he got around to remembering to tell the producers, they'd already cast someone else. Spilt milk!