Songs give you incredible opportunity to convey a tremendous amount in a relatively short period of time.

Players should get the best deals for themselves whenever they can. Football is a relatively short career.

There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud during the 2016 elections or any relatively recent election.

Britain is relatively compact and much closer to the borders of the U.S.S.R. than anywhere in North America.

Thinking that morality is all about commandments is a relatively new way of thinking, since the Reformation.

All I claimed was that when a drastic change occurs, it occurs in a relatively small and isolated population.

I think it remains a film-by-film process, and since I am relatively selective and slow, it can take a while.

Have you ever taken something out of the clothes hamper because it had become, relatively, the cleanest thing?

Mechanisms that prevent Keurig machines from using off-label coffee pods are annoying but relatively harmless.

Having a child is a big life change, but the really hectic period is relatively short. You can get through it.

Meat reared on land matures relatively quickly, and it takes only a few pounds of plants to produce a pound of meat.

The Obama campaign has adeptly used YouTube and social networks as a relatively thrifty way to do targeted messaging.

No doubt that the U.S. is a super-power capable of conquering a relatively small country, but is it able to control it?

We're not doing outrageous fashion; I make sports clothes that are relatively conservative, clothes that everyone wears.

The English book world is relatively closed to translation, so only a small amount of foreign language work can come in.

So it won't be a surprise when the Greek default actually happens and we expect it one way or the other to be relatively soon.

You can have relatively high levels of class consciousness with a lower level of class militancy than one would have expected.

TV directing is fine because you can come in and do a TV show in a relatively short period of time, and that can pay the bills.

Compassion is the antitoxin of the soul: where there is compassion even the most poisonous impulses remain relatively harmless.

Contrary to what you might think, China's economy is relatively less efficient, and more polluting, than those of rich countries.

France and Britain have large culinary differences, but one thing they do share is a relatively low tolerance for modernist cooking.

I've been really lucky to play sort of a diverse array of characters over my relatively short career, although it feels really long.

When you cover the White House, which I've done on and off, it's relatively straightforward - everything the president does is news.

For relatively modest amounts of sulfur dioxide injected into the atmosphere, you could easily cool Earth by 1% or more, if you want.

Focusing on one mildly disturbing, semi-controllable issue allows the mind to stuff much greater terrors in relatively tidy packages.

In reality there is no such thing as an inflation of prices, relatively to gold. There is such a thing as a depreciated paper currency.

The exit polls suggest that after a relatively disappointing first term, Obama managed to reassemble almost all of his 2008 electorate.

Risk analysis can cater to any sort of hazard, but their profession owes its existence to a relatively narrow band of possible dangers.

Although social media is a relatively new form of communication, it has become the primary way retailers and customers are interfacing.

You can't go wrong with relatively simple comfort food. It's also about ease. Some cook to impress. I cook for people to enjoy the food.

Throughout history, Hanukkah was a relatively minor festival, but it's become very popular in America due to its proximity to Christmas.

In spite of its relatively nascent rise in popularity, tea joints across the country are romanticized, quite like beer pubs in the West.

Until 1943 I received no stipend. I was able to support myself as my mother was the daughter of a relatively wealthy cotton manufacturer.

Ultra-aggressive players have a knack of making otherwise sound players commit huge stacks of chips with relatively weak hands, like A-Q.

It was a bad idea, because I think that any government reorganization has to come in relatively small bites, or else you get indigestion.

My brother and I, we were both relatively good-looking guys growing up, but we had our awkward stages, where we were just hard to look at.

I am relatively sure, from conversations that I had with former president Bill Clinton, that George Bush seldom called upon him for advice.

I'm rather old-fashioned about this video business. It's all relatively new. We really don't do videos, Fleetwood Mac. We've only done two.

Just the concept of personal freedom within a democracy, for instance, is a relatively young idea - only about 300 years old in this country.

As an actor, you most often play relatively average parts, so to get to play extreme versions of anything, those are the most exciting parts.

I think the world of comedy is a relatively small community, and especially for women in comedy, there just aren't that many people involved.

By the end of 2008, clearly the Al Qaeda and Sunni insurgency had been relatively stabilized. And in the Al Qaeda's mind, they were defeated.

I was playing a relatively high level of hockey, and I thought that's what I wanted to do. But I had my first movie audition, and I was hooked.

Pregnancy was probably the best and the hardest thing I'll ever go through. I know for a lot of women, it can be wonderful and relatively easy.

In the Internet world, especially in Silicon Valley, everyone is at the ready all the time, and turnaround is relatively short, if not instant.

People always think I'm taller than I am - not just because of the shoes I wear but because of the way I dress. It's all relatively streamlined.

Roman civilization had achieved, within the bounds of its technology, relatively as great a mastery of time and space as we have achieved today.

Well, actually, I manage a couple of stock portfolios or funds or whatever you want to call 'em, and I think I've done relatively well with them.

Now I'm starting, relatively, to think straight again. I live one day at a time, one hour at a time. What makes it all worthwhile is my children.

In Slack, you create channels to discuss different topics. For a small group of people, those channels are relatively easy to manage and navigate.

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