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You should never be ashamed to admit you have been wrong. It only proves you are wiser today than yesterday
The best thing we can do with rejection is to make it a learning experience - rejection is a great teacher.
When I finished the book [The Dissemblers], I sent it to one billion agents, and got one billion rejections.
Every rejection is incremental payment on your dues that in some way will be translated back into your work.
You took a poison arrow and you aimed it at my heart. It's heavy and it's bitter, and it's tearing me apart.
I flashed her a smile, but she didn't even look at me. So for brains and good judgment, I'd give her a three.
I started doing impressions of Steve Urkel and Ed Grimley as my way of getting through the fear of rejection.
When air is charged with emotions, an attempt to teach is often perceived as a form of judgment and rejection.
Rejection is a universally embarrassing topic and 'Electra Heart' is my response to that. It is a frank album.
After so many years of rejection, I felt acting would have to become a hobby rather than a full-time profession.
Your success as a writer will probably not depend on how well you write so much as in how you handle rejections.
What Public Enemy and Underground Resistance had in common was a rejection of the idea of music as entertainment.
The flower you single out is a rejection of all other flowers; nevertheless, only on these terms is it beautiful.
Every published writer, myself included, was at one time unpublished. All writers know what rejection feels like.
And an inky-colored despair of rejection enveloped me like the black tortilla of depression around a pain burrito.
It's my petty fear of personal rejection that allows so many true evils to exist. My cowardice enables atrocities.
There is probably no hell for authors in the next world - they suffer so much from critics and publishers in this.
Retirement may be looked upon either as a prolonged holiday or as a rejection, a being thrown on to the scrap-heap.
You and I, travel to the beat of a different drum, can't you tell by the way I run, every time you make eyes at me.
The denunciation of injustice implies the rejection of the use of Christianity to legitimize the established order.
Following your heart means allowing the possibility of finding true love to be stronger than the fear of rejection.
Rejection process is not fun. It's the red pen on the page, the discarded sketch, sometimes is the only way forward.
Well actually I don't think it's a bunch of bad things that send us to hell. I think it is rejection of God's grace.
When I was younger, I could be pretty bitter. I still have moments, but I think I've gotten pretty good at rejection.
Maybe you simply criticized someone you hardly knew. You ruined part of their life. For them, part of your life, too.
Nobody gets through life without experiencing some form of rejection, which is why everybody knows how awful it feels.
Literature simply becomes richer after you've been fired, rejected, stranded, or had to change a few midnight diapers.
The severing of an established connection is exponentially more painful than the rejection of an attempted connection.
As a journalist, you sort of grind away, taking rejections as they come, building on whatever advances you've achieved.
I was learning the craft; I didn't study writing in school. Rejection was my motivation, and failure is what taught me.
I was a telemarketer for exactly one week in 2005. I could not take 'no' one more time. I could not take the rejection.
Being an actress and a singer, you get more 'nos' than you get 'yes.' You get more rejection than you do anything else.
There is going to be a hundred thousand doors slammed in your face before one opens, so feel ok about taking rejection.
Science is the acceptance of what works and the rejection of what does not. That needs more courage than we might think.
I learned certain exercises to help me cope, to get myself in tip-top mental shape to deal with auditions and rejection.
Most fears of rejection rest on the desire for approval from other people. Don't base your self-esteem on their opinions.
I have faced rejection in this business because of my appearance, but that has only made me stronger and more determined.
My values - going back to my childhood - were always based on respect for all people and rejection of bigotry and racism.
I?d rather be rejected than used because they both amount to the same thing in the end, but being used takes a lot longer.
The first thing you have to learn when you go into the arts is to learn to cope with rejection. If you can't, you're dead.
Dialogue and education for peace can help free our hearts from the impulse toward intolerance and the rejection of others.
Painting has been a smiling mistress to many, but she has been a cruel jilt to me; I did not abandon her, she abandoned me.
It's not that I'm broken, and it isn't that I bleed. But when you pulled the stars from the heavens, it got so hard to see.
I do some three-part harmonies on 'Throes of Rejection' and 'Hard Lines, Sunken Cheeks,' but I didn't go overboard with it.
As important as hustle is, grit and resilience are equally as important because there's a lot of rejection in our business.
The major reason for Keynes's rejection of communism was simply that he could scarcely identify with the grubby proletariat.
She took off her wheel, took off her bell, took off her wig, said, how do I smell? I hot footed it barenaked out the window.
Democrats would use every tool in our arsenal to ensure that his [Charles Pickering] nomination is rejected again this year.
There was a period where I stopped auditioning because I was like, 'I don't have the heart.' There's just so much rejection.
I have had a lot of crushes but have never had the courage to go up to a girl and say what I feel. I am scared of rejection.