I don't have no fear of death. My only fear is coming back reincarnated.

Jurgen Klopp is Shankly reincarnated in a German body, because he gets the people.

It would be very glamorous to be reincarnated as a great big ring on Liz Taylor's finger.

We've already been reincarnated about a million times, maybe. It doesn't make sense any other way.

I've said it before: If Queen had died and reincarnated as one person, it would be Devin Townsend.

I wouldn't want to be reincarnated as a butler. I couldn't for the life of me do the job in real life.

I may be a Jewish scientist, but I would be tickled silly if one day I were reincarnated as a Baptist preacher.

My chances of being PM are about as good as the chances of finding Elvis on Mars, or my being reincarnated as an olive.

I'd like to be reincarnated as a French tart. They're so beautiful and delicate - they're like my opposite. I'm more of a comfort food: goat cheese with garlic.

My mother made me believe in reincarnation, in karma. If I live a good life, I believe I will be reincarnated as a higher being. If I live a bad life, I believe I will be reincarnated as a lower being.

My greatest influence is Jimi Hendrix, and if he's been reincarnated, or if he's looking down, sideways, or looking up, I just wanted to tell him that I love him and thank him for opening doors for me. I just wanted to make it beautiful for him.

I don't want to be reincarnated, that's for sure. When you've had rewarding experiences in your life - a loving family, friends - you don't need additional reassurances that you're going to do something with a new cast of characters. I'd just as soon pass.

I was riding my mountain bike in Colorado, and I met a dog who reminded me so much of my very first dog in the way she interacted with me, looked at me, and wagged her tail that I rode away convinced I'd just very possibly met the reincarnated version of my long lost friend.

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