I never took acting classes, but I knew I could do it based on the skill with which I lied to my parents on a regular basis!

Having - and keeping to - a regular exercise routine is crucial. And forget about those extreme diets - they aren't healthy.

The texture of Mexican crema is thinner than that of regular American sour cream, but it also has a more distinct tang to it.

And I believe that the best buy in public health today must be a combination of regular physical exercise and a healthy diet.

In Asia, it's customary to get together with your entire extended family on a regular basis, and it's all rife with politics.

Using string bends instead of just playing regular, unbent notes can definitely help give certain riffs a cooler, heavier edge.

I think I found that when I was doing a show on a regular basis and just acting constantly, that was when I was at my happiest.

I always do some sort of plank exercise - whether it's a regular plank or a side plank, I always incorporate it into my workout.

If you are a regular at Manchester United, I think you should grasp the opportunity to stay here and become part of the history.

I have people I talk to on a regular basis about what's going on in my life, what am I struggling with, and where my faith is at.

By and large, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not have regular time off. They are the great vacationless class.

We must overcome the notion that we must be regular... it robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to the mediocre.

Besides regular exercising, one should also take care of his or her daily habits such as adequate sleep and drinking lots of water.

The evidence shows that religious people - defined by regular attendance at a place of worship - actually do make better neighbors.

I had a fairly regular childhood. I was a pretty boring kid. I didn't do much. I was always thinking, but I didn't really say a lot.

Saturday Night Live is hitting me on a regular basis again. This is my fourth decade that I've been lampooned on Saturday Night Live.

I very briefly had a microwave oven that I quickly gave away, because I could never work out what they do better than a regular oven.

There's nothing I'm doing to my body that a regular person is not doing to theirs outside of just running into somebody at full speed.

I want to do just, like, regular art. Whatever is made today on canvas goes up against all of art history. It's the most radical thing.

Everybody has forgotten about showmanship. People don't look like rock stars any more. They just look like regular dudes off the street.

There are two contrary impulses which govern this man's brain-the one sane, and the other eccentric. They alternate at regular intervals.

We've gone through many different permutations of coffee-making, from grinding our own beans to the regular drip to an iced coffee maker.

Creativity is merely a plus name for regular activity. Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right, or better.

There's nothing regular about my life at all, really. I don't keep a regular schedule and every day is different. It's all rather chaotic.

I really, really want the WWE to be able to perform on a regular basis in China. I think we should be able go to India on a regular basis.

Atlanta is interesting. You have high education rates but there are plenty of regular folks. People have degrees but chop wood on weekends.

I'm just a regular girl who likes to go snowboarding and picks her nose like anybody else. I just like to drive into things and take risks.

I don't think people want to see me as a regular guy; besides, I'm a regular guy in real life. I guess I just want to be reckless in my work.

I've worked in a factory. I was a garbage man. I worked in a post office. It's not that long ago. I like to think that I'm just a regular guy.

You don't have to change who you are for anyone: if you are your regular, authentic, confident self, then you can push to do whatever you want.

I am not insulted by billions of Christians, Muslims and Jews believing there is a God and praying to this nonexistent deity on a regular basis.

Congress should just do its job and pass a transportation-infrastructure bill - a regular bill that doesn't borrow money and mortgage my future.

The rabbi is often the regular preacher in the synagogue, the man whose sermons offer his community more general theological and moral guidance.

I don't sing beautifully or grandly or in a very 'moving' way. I am me - which is not very beautiful at times, and not very organised or regular.

I have a wig for when I go outside among the regular folks, so they don't feel uncomfortable because I have a Day-Glo color somewhere in my hair.

I find inspiration in what artists and regular people on the street wear, but I'm also very influenced by what I like to wear since I style myself.

I like regular meals and restaurants that will adapt things to your taste. Not a place where they roll their eyes if you want the sauce on the side.

I was a regular dork. I was a kid who was scrawny and all that, and probably kind of dumb or something. I wasn't unordinary; I wasn't extraordinary.

In the rural South, 'Bubba' is like how people say 'dude' in California. It's a name for a regular Southern man. I know a Chinese Bubba, a black Bubba.

Some people can't stand being alone. I love solitude and silence. But when I come out of it, I'm a regular talking machine. It's all or nothing for me.

I have real good parents. They poor. They have regular, poor jobs and what not. They real good people and what not; I was just raised in a bad society.

When you're a regular on your show, that's your family. When people come in and out, it doesn't mean that you don't embrace them, but they have to leave.

I used to use a sunbed after school. It wasn't a regular thing, but I'd go in wearing my uniform. No one ever stopped me. No one told me it was dangerous.

I get reminded a lot of the time that my life is a little bit different, but I'm just trying to keep it as regular as possible because I like it that way.

You can't speak for the people unless you're able to walk amongst the people. And how many of these rappers out here actually hang out with regular people?

It's cool when people know you more, but I like people to treat me regular when they see me. I take pictures. I don't really be big on people looking at me.

Children and teenagers don't easily relate to stories about kings and dukes, and to tell only stories about kings and dukes is to ignore the regular people.

I'm around my kids every day. I'm regular. We're a regular family. My wife cooks, she washes clothes, I read books, I pump my own gas, I get my own hair cut.

The term 'business cycle' is imprecise. Economic fluctuations affect everyone, not just businesses, and they are, unlike astral cycles, anything but regular.

I began to realize how simple life could be if one had a regular routine to follow with fixed hours, a fixed salary, and very little original thinking to do.

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