I fear nothing and I regret less.

I dont really believe in regrets.

I dont believe in having regrets.

Live fast, fight hard, no regrets!

Never regret what you don't write.

Nothing is so weakening as regret.

Bravery is the solution to regret.

I definitely regret hurting people.

Regret is such a pointless emotion.

To regret deeply is to live afresh.

I have no regrets, none whatsoever.

I highly regret this day in advance.

Happiness is pleasure without regret

Regret leads to overeating and naps.

You think I regret saving your life?

Regret's kind of like a fool's game.

I regret not finding Osama Bin Laden.

Regret is an appalling waste of time.

No reserves. No retreats. No regrets.

I don't look back and regret anything.

I am only human, although I regret it.

I do not regret one moment of my life.

Regret is a form of punishment itself.

Obedience is less painful than regret.

I regret losing my innocence so early.

Things couldn't stay the same forever.

Regrets are born of paths never taken.

I have no regrets. I've got my health.

But I regret not having liked history.

I don't regret anything I say... Never.

My head has got regrets, but I haven't.

Don't ever regret being honest. Period.

We're either nothing or a God's regret.

Love lives in sealed bottles of regret.

I don't regret a single day of my life.

I don't regret anything I haven't done.

We all say things that we later regret.

Regret is just perfectionism plus time.

You have to choose your future regrets.

Regrets are as personal as fingerprints.

Forget regret, or life is yours to miss.

Accept life, and you must accept regret.

Looking back, I've never had one regret.

If you draft me, you'll never regret it.

Regrets are illuminations come too late.

I am what I am. I don't regret anything.

I have no regrets in my life whatsoever.

I've done a lot of things that I regret.

Only in your imagination can you revise.

I regret a couple of wardrobe decisions.

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