But meanwhile time flies; it flies never to be regained.

Life is too short, and the time we waste in yawning never can be regained.

I regained my courage because of the fans who showed their support, asking me to keep singing.

Through the mythology of Einstein, the world blissfully regained the image of knowledge reduced to a formula.

We have entered a new phase in Islamist terror. Fifteen years after 9/11, our enemies have regained their momentum.

I want to go down as a champion who redeemed himself, made up for letting everyone down and regained his self-respect.

We have found that where science has progressed the farthest, the mind has but regained from nature that which the mind put into nature.

When I was young, I just sat down and started playing Chopsticks at the piano. I got so far and then lost interest. Eventually, I regained it and started writing songs.

I think that most people believe that Russia, because of its - it has regained some of its military strength. And they do rattle the saber a bit. It wants to be a player.

The Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolished slavery other than in prisons - but it was a lie that you regained your freedom once you left the prison gates.

Proust's 'In Search of Lost Time,' especially 'Time Regained,' made me think differently about what the novel is and can do. Then I forgot about it, then reread it and remembered again.

I do what I can to make young people understand that drugs can destroy their lives. I'm the perfect example of what people can accomplish when they have regained a sane body and spirit.

I'm happy to stick with my persona. There are themes of love lost and love regained, but the main themes of all poems are basically love and death, and that seems to be the message of poetry.

I was an optimist, a great champion of the human spirit. And I lost that for a time. I feel like I've regained a bit of that in the last few years but there was a period of my life in which I had a very low opinion of people in general.

I struggled quite a long time with my backhand, which was one of my best weapons before my surgery. It took me a long time until I regained full confidence in it again and only tried to keep the ball in play at the start of the '09 season.

Toward the middle and end of the Fifties, West European countries became somewhat more important as providers of aid to underdeveloped countries. It was partly due to the prodding of the United States that these countries, as they regained economic viability, should shoulder their share of the aid burden.

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