I have never really referred to my voice as 'gay.'

Death is very often referred to as a good career move.

I was probably the only revolutionary referred to as cute.

I will no longer be referred to as Miss Steinem of Ms. magazine.

The Bible is referred to in scripture as the sword of the spirit.

Somebody referred to what I do as subliminal activism, which I like.

The taxpayer group in every state is always - always referred to as nuts.

People have referred to me as 'innocent', which makes me feel disingenuous.

Whatever is referred to must exist. Let us call this the axiom of existence.

I have referred to myself as an accidental activist on more than one occasion.

The RNA World referred to an hypothetical stage in the origin of life on Earth.

Government has a role as well in what is referred to as redistributive justice.

I used to hate exposure situations. What is generally referred to as 'red carpet.'

The effect of depleted uranium, used by America in the Gulf War, is never referred to.

In Canada, anything that's not in the city is referred to as a cottage. Or a log cabin.

What is generally referred to as American-style films are, in fact, studio productions.

When I began my career, I was constantly referred to as the kid who could play the blues.

I've heard myself referred to as a quiet superstar, and I don't quite know what that means.

I am not a princess, I don't want to be referred to as a princess - I find that super creepy.

I get referred to as the social media kid on set, but I don't let it bother me. I try not to.

A ship is always referred to as 'she' because it costs so much to keep one in paint and powder.

Selfie is referred to the new age 'autograph' for our fans nowadays! Also, I like clicking selfies.

They were targeting those people I referred to as 'little Eichmanns.' These were legitimate targets.

For years, I was either referred to as a 'rubber-faced funny man' or 'the 'Men Behaving Badly' star.'

Wong Kar-Wai is a really great inspiration. He's always referred to as the Jimi Hendrix of filmmaking.

In all my 26 years in Parliament, we had referred to Mr. Ong Teng Cheong as the first Elected President.

Somebody referred to me as a ringleader, which I wouldn't have classed myself as, but anyway, there you go.

Poe was a student of many things, and among those things he read and referred to in his work was the Bible.

The solicitor general is sometimes referred to as the 10th Supreme Court justice - a pretty important position.

What's historically been referred to as 'gerrymandering' can more aptly be labeled an incumbent protection program.

For years, I referred to climate change as an 'existential' threat to human civilization, and called it a 'crisis.'

Our free enterprise system of disseminating information is collectively referred to as The Media. But there is no collective.

I am merely an amateur; being referred as a lyricist is a far fetched dream for me, and I feel I don't entirely deserve it yet.

In the time period before Wii was called Wii and we still referred to it as Revolution, no one thought it was going to succeed.

If you're feeling frumpy or grumpy, try to eat Paleo. It's a way of eating that is sometimes referred to as the 'Caveman Diet.'

It's nice to come into a town and be referred to as the manager of the Cleveland Indians instead of as the first black manager.

The administration will look at Glass-Steagall and what I referred to as the 21st-century Glass-Steagall as part of regulatory reform.

I've always referred to my father as 'my coach' because we were always able to separate our relationship into the roles of coach and parent.

Being referred to as a hunk or a heartthrob makes me nervous, but it's flattering. But I'm more interested in being an actor than a heartthrob.

I am extremely frustrated with my son Ishaan Khattar being referred to as 'Kapur' time and again in the media. I am anguished and feel helpless.

There was a time when all dark-skinned people were called Ethiopians, for the Greeks referred to Africa as, 'The Land Of The Burnt-Face People.'

Now, forty years after his passing, Winston Churchill is still quoted, read, revered, and referred to as much, if not more, than when he was alive.

The 'Perez' in me was the outsider, the Latino guy, the homosexual, the person who stuck out, and the 'Hilton' referred to Hollywood, the mainstream.

I got to a point where I referred to myself as Dolores of the Cranberries instead of myself because I alienated my real self from what I became so much.

When I was a child, I was referred to as the Danny Kaye of the family, because I was always impersonating and mimicking people. I was a song and dance man.

In the Constitution of the United States, Negroes are referred to as fellows although the word 'slave' is carefully avoided before the thirteenth amendment.

I've had a bris, was Bar Mitzvahed and, on occasion, have referred to a temple as a shul. I've never denied it, nor have I disguised it. I am, indeed, a Jew.

Small bodies, about half a micron in diameter, and later referred to under the name of 'mitochondria' were detected under the light microscope as early as 1894.

Industrialization based on machinery, already referred to as a characteristic of our age, is but one aspect of the revolution that is being wrought by technology.

I was doing some research and stuff and reading about Bowie. When he referred to his music as 'plastic soul,' I was like, 'That is the coolest thing I've ever heard.'

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