There is one consolation in being sick; and that is the possibility that you may recover to a better state than you were ever in before.

We really must recover our financial performance and take Nintendo back into the position in the marketplace where it is well appreciated.

I think it would be interesting if old people got anti-Alzheimer's disease where they slowly began to recover other people's lost memories.

Fitness is essential, and so is diet, but sleep is the most important of them all. It helps our body to recover from all the wear and tear.

Too often in this world, the things you root for - whether sports teams or spouses to recover from horrible diseases - don't quite pan out.

In history as in human life, regret does not bring back a lost moment and a thousand years will not recover something lost in a single hour.

So long as the global economy continues to recover, that remains Obama's No. 1 claim to successful leadership. Nothing else even comes close.

I feel less energetic; I get pains. My quality of life has deteriorated, and it takes me longer to recover from any form of physical activity.

To recover from workouts I typically drink a 20-gram protein shake, float in the pool for 15 minutes, then do a hot-and-cold tub contrast soak.

In my private life, I don't really do too much because the matches are so tough in the Premier League that it takes time to recover in between.

I'm not having any problems with my body so I don't need to supplement. Growing older you don't recover as fast, but all-in-all I'm doing well.

I think Americans are at our best when we recover from a crisis. We've suffered some blows that other countries would have never recovered from.

A lot of the things I do outside the rink are just to relax and recover. We spend so much time at the rink, so it's nice to decompress a little.

I always said that I took a lot energy, a lot of time for me to recover and come back to the sport and join back in F1, but I would like to stay.

When we have to defend, I just try to recover the ball for the team because it's important, but I always try to go forward when we have the ball.

During the Fox administration, Mexico turned into a more violent country than Colombia; Calderon's task is to recover lost ground and clean it up.

Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.

I don't regret the decision to retire. My body was losing its edge. I was taking longer to recover from injuries. You have to get out at some point.

I just think I have too much anxiety to listen to music. Sometimes it feels like noise, and sometimes it's so affecting that I can't recover from it.

There is no need to waste pity on young girls who are having their moments of disillusionment, for in another moment they will recover their illusion.

I'll get seven hours sleep a night, but after breakfast, I'll have an hour just resting, to recover. In Spain they all have siestas, even businessmen.

For the most part, if you're willing to work hard enough, you can recover from most injuries. Having that mentality really helps you keep moving forward.

Oh, there's nothing more dangerous in life at getting hurt at than love itself. People are hurt in love affairs and never recover, more than a boxing match.

Studying English was useless, completely useless. It took me years to recover from that. Every time I tried to write, it sounded like a bad university essay.

A good glass of red wine or maybe a little bit too much every now and then is just fine. Heavy boozing, not so much, because you don't recover enough from it.

The automobile crash was... devastating in ways that I still cannot really bear to think about... It took me many years to recover. In some ways, I never have.

During the season, the teams play every third day. That's a huge workload with some long journeys. I think, in football, we need more time to rest and recover.

How to gain, how to keep, how to recover happiness is in fact for most men at all times the secret motive of all they do, and of all they are willing to endure.

You can make a lot of mistakes and still recover if you run an efficient operation. Or you can be brilliant and still go out of business if you're too inefficient.

There's no substitute for experiencing ups and downs - seeing how it's okay that things are overwhelming or broken sometimes and how companies recover from mistakes.

The breakup of the former Soviet Union has caused its grain output to plummet, but if the new republics recover economically, they could produce vast amounts of food.

I've had three injuries, and one took from 2016 to 2017 for me to recover. Three months I was out because I wasn't perfect, and I lost a lot of games for this injury.

I would like to use architecture to create bonds between people who live in cities, and even use it to recover the communities that used to exist in every single city.

I had no idea there was such a thin line between sanity and insanity. I got pushed right to the edge by tragedy in my life, and I couldn't stand up; I couldn't recover.

We are constantly under lots of pressure, so I take lots of time to recover and do all the things I need for my body to be in the perfect state to compete the next day.

I have watched men suffer the anguish of imprisonment, defy appalling human cruelty... break for a moment, then recover inhuman strength to defy their enemies once more.

I've seen young guys break down in those situations. They're cruising along, playing great, then their minutes get funky and they fall apart. Some of them never recover.

I think new directors come with new perceptions, energy, and passion to win. They don't have to worry about an already existing image or budget that they have to recover.

It's very difficult for my body to recover after workouts now that I'm older, so we have to keep them short, which means they're extremely difficult and intense. It sucks.

What differentiates leaders is the ability to recover following a mistake. I make mistakes all the time, but I cop to them, apologize, and move on. Contrition is powerful.

I think change is possible, but only for individuals who were never truly gay in the first place and who have a strong personal motivation to recover their heterosexuality.

We need to recover our true nature by relocating ourselves on this planet, being respectful of our environment, and living in harmony with other species - like a big family.

Any football club, any person, any human being alive goes through adversity. The art of living life is to recover from that and respond to any challenges being thrown at you.

When you have a fighter who's been punched a lot and been knocked out a lot of times, they're not going to be able to recover. They're going to look like they were knocked out.

I think I grew up really fast; I grew up in this really fast-paced business, and I never understood what it meant to take a break or take time off or recover, and I paid for it.

In such a condition of affairs, the practical difference between the abolitionist and the sympathizer, to the man who lost his slave and could not recover it, was very nebulous.

Failure is a great teacher, and I think when you make mistakes and you recover from them and you treat them as valuable learning experiences, then you've got something to share.

They say that every snowflake is different. If that were true, how could the world go on? How could we ever get up off our knees? How could we ever recover from the wonder of it?

We have to make sure that the banks pay every nickel of loan losses that they create, but we don't want to hold them responsible for withdrawals if we want the economy to recover.

The Democratic political juggernaut that emerged from the Depression and the New Deal meant that Republicans had to scramble to figure out a way to recover their former dominance.

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