I'm such a perfectionist and I want to do everything right, kick every goal, do everything perfectly, but that is not reality.

Even the loveliest dream bears like a blemish its difference from reality, the awareness that what it grants is mere illusion.

The world exists only when we think about it; creation stories are for children. In reality the world is created every moment.

I have a hyper-active imagination, my mind tends to jump around a little, and I have some trouble between fantasy and reality.

A scientist is a man who changes his beliefs according to reality; a theist is a man who changes reality to match his beliefs.

Reality doesn't wait for your opinion, vote, or permission, sweetheart. It just keeps being what it is and doing what it does.

The defining challenge of the 21st century will be to face the reality that humanity shares a common fate on a crowded planet.

Creating a regulatory system that reflects the modern-day realities of financial markets is not as difficult as it may appear.

In a morbid condition of the brain, dreams often have a singular actuality, vividness, and extraordinary semblance of reality.

I've often dreamed about going back to Nigeria, but that's a very romantic notion. It's a hideous country to go to in reality.

What cinema can do is the reordering of this reality from a certain chaos or from a certain order into an aesthetic dimension.

The key point is kindness. With kindness one will have inner peace. Through inner peace, world peace can one day be a reality.

I didn't want to be known as the reality-show star trying to be an actress, so I kept a lot of the failed auditions to myself.

Once you begin to understand and truly master your thoughts and feelings, that's when you see how you create your own reality.

Everything is perception. A hallucination is a perception of a certain reality. It is a perception of a certain state of mind.

Local images have one kind of reality. 'U.S. 1' will, I hope, have that kind and another, too. Poetry can extend the document.

Abstraction returned as soon as artists tried to come to closer grips with reality than naturalistic representation permitted.

In terms of threshold, as long as it's based in reality, you can go pretty far, as long as you buy that it's really happening.

Myths, by their definition, involve transformations, struggles through various worlds or layers of reality and of obscuration.

Cosmologies are made up of small snippets of physical reality that have been remodeled by society into vast cosmic deceptions.

That's gotta be one of the principles behind reality. Accepting things that are hard to comprehend, and leaving them that way.

Enthusiasm - a distemper of youth, curable by small doses of repentance in connection with outward applications of experience.

There is nothing more thrilling in this world, I think, than having a child that is yours, and yet is mysteriously a stranger.

Photographs and reality are just night and day. In reality, the information is all there. A photograph is just kind of a hint.

the movie is not a thing which is taken by the camera; the movie is the reality of the movie moving from reality to the camera.

In order to make a visualization a reality in the world of form, you must be willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

Let the will embrace the highest ideals freely and with infinite strength, but let action first take hold of what lies closest.

For me, I always have to establish a reality for the character. In very actor-y terms, you just have to understand his reality.

World Peace Day is envisioned to become a moment of global unity - it is up to each and every one of us to make this a reality.

The Theatre of the Absurd is a theatrical embodiment and manifestation of existentialism. It is part reality and part nightmare

Virtual reality, all the A.I. work we do, all the robotics work we do - we're as close to realizing science fiction as it gets.

If people can construct a simple and coherent story, they will feel confident regardless of how well grounded it is in reality.

I like when you feel like you arrive in a very different place, with a different ordering of the reality you normally think of.

Consciousness does not just passively reflect the objective material world; it plays an active role in creating reality itself.

Writing is like a little hole in reality that you can go through and you can get out and you can be someplace else for a while.

Do the moment-to-moment work of dropping anything that wants to drag you down, and Reality itself will see to it that you rise.

It is a no-fail, incontrovertible reality: If you get, give. If you learn, teach. You can't do anything with that except do it.

Innocence is drowned in anarchy. The best lack conviction given time to think, and the worst are full of passion without mercy.

For an advanced preceiver, the play of life is to assemble and reassemble the self in alternate realities of which this is one.

Have you ever considered that your perception of reality could be wrong? If you haven't, this is a pretty good sign that it is.

I love adventure, so I'm excited to be working on something new and making the transition from reality show contestant to host.

There was a very consistent creation of a virtual reality, and eventually it collided with our old-fashioned, ordinary reality.

Human consensus does not generate reality. Were it able to do so, the Sun would have taken to orbiting the Earth some time ago.

Everything that I've ever done is not really based on reality, it's the caricature of reality, which is what's really exciting.

So people only focus on getting the really deep sleep, but in reality, we spend almost 60% of the night in the stage two sleep.

In the journey of an entrepreneur, the most important thing is self-belief and the ability to convert that belief into reality.

You know, we live here in America and sometimes don't understand the realities of geography and demographics in Eastern Europe.

The Inexhaustible Resource of Spirit is equal to every demand. There is no reality in lack. Abundance is here and now manifest.

People who think achieving success is a linear A-to-Z process, a straight shot to the top, simply aren't in touch with reality.

Beauty is the main positive form of the aesthetic assimilation of reality, in which aesthetic ideal finds it direct expression.

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