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I understood that life is lived most fully in the imagination - that, ironically, imagination is the key to reality.
There is an objective reality out there, but we view it through the spectacles of our beliefs, attitudes, and values.
I want story, wit, music, wryness, color, and a sense of reality in what I read, and I try to get it in what I write.
What kind of programmer is so divorced from reality that she thinks she'll get complex software right the first time?
One wants to be able to experience being other people, remaking a reality, remaking a life, remaking a certain world.
Time is passing, ... We have to look at the reality of the situation and ... redouble our efforts and get on with it.
People at large are becoming more aware that there is much more to reality and to themselves than what meets the eye.
In dunya, the image is always better than the reality. In Jennah, the Reality is better than any image ever could be.
In times of turbulence and rapid change, you must constantly be re-evaluating yourself relative to the new realities.
The first job of a leader is to define a vision for the organization...the capacity to translate vision into reality.
The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda.
I think that one should recognize reality even when one doesn't like it; indeed, especially when one doesn't like it.
Devotion means your limited entity has been dissolved; a much larger possibility has become a living reality for you.
...the reality of intelligent British speech... uses blasphemus, coital and cloacal expletives as a matter of course.
Only the right name gives beings and things their reality. A wrong name makes everything unreal. That's what lies do.
I'm pretty convinced there's a chemical reality to who I am, regarding my brain, that makes me kind of a strange guy.
Should and should not's are the furthest form or non-reality there is even the best scientists can't track what does.
Love is who we are, and when we deviate from that love we're deviating from our ultimate, essential, eternal reality.
Zen culture invites us to experience reality without the intervening distractions of intellect, categories, analysis.
When your voice contradicts reality and truth, the only way to create space for it is to discredit reality and truth.
Yes, I had cancer. Right now, I am totally clean. The only realities in life are that you are born, and that you die.
We must learn from history, there is no military solution for the Kashmir issue...we have to understand this reality.
Mind and intelligence are woven into the fabric of our universe in a way that altogether surpasses our understanding.
A naked lunch is natural to us We eat reality sandwiches. But allegories are so much lettuce. Don't hide the madness.
When you watch these reality shows, the person that is hated on the most is usually the one that gets the most shine.
On the stage on which we are observing it, — Universal History — Spirit displays itself in its most concrete reality.
Creativity is that marvelous capacity to grasp mutually distinct realities and draw a spark from their juxtaposition.
Take the craziest dream you ever had and go after it. Make it a reality. I don't want you to dream, I want you to do.
Kitsch lends itself to a definition in terms of a systematic attempt to fly from daily reality: in time and in space.
Being someone who is of our sensual reality, Stephen Strange has a lifestyle, he has a sexuality, he's materialistic.
Sometimes I'm confused by what I think is really obvious. But what I think is really obvious obviously isn't obvious.
I really never look at my health issues as 'Woe is me.' I've seen the reality of that. And it's not a pleasant thing.
Without immersion in God's words, our prayers may not be merely limited and shallow but also untethered from reality.
When we fight back with joy, we awaken to the deepest reality of our identity as beloved, delightful children of God.
It must be hard to be a model, because you'd want to be like the photograph of you, and you can't ever look that way.
Only the misfortune of exile can provide the in-depth understanding and the overview into the realities of the world.
Misfortune is never mournful to the soul that accepts it; for such do always see that every cloud is an angel's face.
I believe that Virtual Reality will hit it big time. I know that some of my colleagues disagree, but I believe in it.
My work was my life, and my life was my work, and there was a kind of blur between reality and what was being created.
Contemporary science is based on the philosophy of materialism, which claims that all reality is material or physical.
In reality, it's much easier not to smoke or eat chocolate than to do so. It's your mind that convinces you otherwise.
The only way we know it's true is that we both dreamed it. That's what reality is. It's a dream everyone has together.
In reality, American girls are among the most outspoken, ambitious, successful girls in the history of the human race.
Gay marriage is inevitable. The next generation, they get it. It is just a matter of time before it becomes a reality.
Every one turns his dreams into realities as far as he can; man is cold as ice to the truth, hot as fire to falsehood.
Is is true that dictators never dream because they can change their smallest fantasies into realities if they want to?
Temptation said that we all dream of committing crimes, but that only the unbalanced make that macabre idea a reality.
We can't wave a magic wand and get rid of any of these people's problems, but what they want is they want to be heard.
The reality is that the people that we represent are no longer going to be second-class citizens in their own country.
The most powerful step that anyone can take to turn their dreams into reality is a simple one. You just need to start.