Non-physicality may soon come to dominate our reality. Thanx Quatum Mechanics!

I know you [Donald Trump] live in your own reality, but that is not the facts.

Our role is to dream and inspire rather than collude in impacting the reality.

Possible reality [is obtained] by slightly bending physical and chemical laws.

Consciousness is the ultimate Reality; compared with it, all else is illusion.

Comfort and prosperity have never enriched the world as much as adversity has.

Pseudo-mysticism seeks to evade reality; authentic mysticism wants to live it.

Drugs are marvelous if you want to escape, but reality is so rich, why escape?

More business is lost every year through neglect than through any other cause.

We should tackle reality in a slightly jokey way, otherwise we miss its point.

The smaller your reality, the more convinced you are that you know everything.

Baseball ultimately is a drama without a script. It's the original reality TV.

It turns out Dungeons & Dragons is much better on paper than it is in reality.

Reality is crushing. The world is a wrong-sized shoe. How can anyone stand it?

The truth about parenting is that the reality of our lives needs to be enough.

The boundary between science fiction and social reality is an optical illusion

That portion of reality that can be composed within a frame can be understood.

In reality there are no others, and -helping yourself you help everybody else.

Love is somehow the key that unlocks the door which leads to ultimate reality.

Reality TV, although I'm a part of it, I think reality TV is a terrible thing.

There is in us more of the appearance of sense and virtue than of the reality.

The reality is, some people don't want you to change or go anywhere different.

We both know that, my friend, but a man's perception soon becomes his reality.

Symbols mean a lot in politics. They indicate a will and create new realities.

I am the epitome of what you dream to be and the reality of what you can't be.

Life is the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.

The hard, inescapable reality is that anyone who flies may die in an airplane.

Your imaginings can have as much power over you as your reality, or even more.

We limit our success when we mistake the limits of our perception for reality.

The idea of how others see you becomes more important than the reality of you.

I live between fantasy and reality at all times. In that way, I’m a librarian.

The human mind can bear plenty of reality but not too much intermittent gloom.

The meager satisfaction that man can extract from reality leaves him starving.

No matter how many possibilities turn into reality, an infinite number remain.

I love watching reality TV, but being part of making it was just demoralizing.

I love watching reality TV, but being part of making it was just demoralizing.

There is no material universe. There is no reality. All that exists are images.

A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.

Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park, but it has the longest line.

Reality is a formless lure, And only when we know this Do we dare to be unreal.

Waking consciousness is dreaming – but dreaming constrained by external reality

It is said that a neo-conservative is a liberal who has been mugged by reality.

For a sorcerer, reality, or the world as we all know it, is only a description.

Poetry's task is to increase the available stock of reality, R P Blackmur said.

They build machines they can't control, and bury the waste in a great big hole.

To use words to sense reality is like going with a lamp to search for darkness.

We fancy we suffer from ingratitude, while in reality we suffer from self-love.

Fantasies are absolutely safe, as long as you never try to make them a reality.

Escapism- that's what I like. I'm not so crazy about the reality of everything.

Reality changes; in order to represent it, modes of representation must change.

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