I'm just a real person, not a caricature.

The real world is where the monsters are.

Friends should have all things in common.

I go to the real world, not the Internet.

A painted surface is a real, living form.

Real sacrifice comes from self sacrifice.

The real gift of love is self disclosure.

The real secrets are not the ones I tell.

Attitudes are the real figures of speech.

Boxing is real easy. Life is much harder.

Real misery cuts off all paths to itself.

Real wealth is feeling sorry for the poor

I'm a real pussy cat - with an iron tail.

In real life I'm a tall, blond Christian.

We live in a real world. Come back to it.

The real achiever do one thing at a time.

I'm not a spy, which is the real question

Women are the real architects of society.

Do real and permanent good in this world.

There are always loose ends in real life.

Every real teacher is myself in disguise.

I am really just writing about real life.

Real divorce takes place without a decree.

Real creativity comes only out of silence.

Only Spartan women give birth to real men.

The real affliction of old age is remorse.

Don Henley is real fallback for awfulness.

The real hero is always a hero by mistake.

I believe in luck. My luck's real streaky.

My family is basically Gypsies - for real.

Let's be real, I'm basically a drag queen.

The real lowdown on gardening is ... dirt.

Confidence is the only bond of friendship.

Football coaches don't have real problems.

I'm real tall when I stand on my charisma.

Let's be clear: Voter suppression is real.

Sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

A myth doesn't have to be real to be true.

Roger “Hurricane” Wilson is the real deal!

True friendship is a plant of slow growth.

An electron is real; a probability is not.

Being busy does not always mean real work.

The one real thing that money buys - Time.

Well, I screwed it up real good, didn't I?

The real things about man are not his body.

Real film is light; digital is electricity.

My book sales make 'real writers' possible.

Any film is at least better than real life.

My first real crush was... Louis Tomlinson.

You'll need to suffer to make any real art.

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