No. The real heroes wear camo. I'm not one of them.

I really love Natalie Portman; she's the real deal.

In a story, nothing is real until it is acted upon.

I don't know if I ever really get mad in real life.

It's a real skill to be able to publicise yourself.

If you don't cast well, you can be in real trouble.

Real philosophy seeks rather to solve than to deny.

The real you is timeless and beyond life and death.

The people, they are the ones with the real answers.

All the people know Tomba, but not the real Alberto.

Abstraction is real, probably more real than nature.

You're not a real manager unless you've been sacked.

So I regard my part in Genevieve as a real challenge

Let's be real: It's just TV; it's just entertainment

true courtesy ... is real kindness kindly expressed.

I`ve always liked Dennis Chambers, he`s real flashy.

Nothing is real if you don't believe in who you are!

Failing is not real, it's an optional state of mind.

Real painters understand with a brush in their hand.

Real love cannot be silent in the face of injustice.

Our real power in life comes from our true thinking!

Our bodies need real, fresh food to maintain health.

For one thing, I don’t pun excessively in real life.

The real trick is to stay alive as long as you live.

I poop in the backyard... I wear disposable diapers.

In the real world, illiquid assets carry a discount.

Problem with these other niggas they aint never real

I like to do stand-up for people who live real life.

Love is messy. It's not something that's real clean.

Real talent will get through whatever the obstacles.

Reprove your friend in secret and praise him openly.

There are as many "real worlds" as there are people!

God alone is real, nothing matters but love for God.

Real men despise battle, but will never run from it.

Architecture is the real battleground of the spirit.

Emotions are real, just not the reasons behind them.

People can sense when someone is fake or real on TV.

As a comedian, I think you need to keep things real.

By nature, I suppose I have a languorous disposition

Just tell yourself, Duckie, you're real quite lucky.

Truth stands for Taking Real Understanding To Heart.

Man is really free, the real man cannot but be free.

I'm sorry. I know you loved her. It was hard not to.

The flaws, the mistakes I make - that's the real me.

I wish I had had a great disappointment, a real one.

I like rough edges. That's what makes a person real.

Science fiction is for real, space opera is for fun.

The real is always way ahead of what we can imagine.

The only real failure in life is the failure to try.

It seems like everywhere I go I can't get real love.

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