Real success comes in small portions day by day.

For the real winners, there are no finish lines.

Text is the gateway drug to real time marketing.

The real essence of work is concentrated energy.

How would you like to make money in real estate?

Self fulfilling prophecies do exist in real life

I'm going to become a real professional actress.

If you really want to flex, you have to be real.

A meek fellow ... is a real godsend in any gang.

You made me feel real emotions. You unlocked me.

The real power of comics is writing as you draw.

How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

Never having alone time is real tough on people.

In my view, Africa's real problems are cultural.

In real life I can play guitar, sure, but badly.

I have Internet fame. Real fame is more intense.

I don't like listening to music that isn't real.

Salvation is God's way of making us real people.

Real vision is the ability to see the invisible.

Only when we are over, does our real life begin.

Tolerance is the only real test of civilization.

Is heaven a hope or as real as the earth and sky?

The real question is: How much truth can I stand?

I definitely have a real self-destructive streak.

The Buddha is your real body, your original mind.

Love affairs are the real only education in life.

Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.

The cynicism that you have is not your real soul.

Anger, pride and competence are our real enemies.

The real is only one realization of the possible.

Under each station of the real, another glimmers.

The real world is much smaller than the imaginary

Blue uniforms are real. Cops are a social fiction

Ah, how good it feels! The hand of an old friend.

I guess love is the real suspension of disbelief.

The real purpose of painting is to give pleasure.

I love a real-life, movie moment in living color.

Spirits are as real as the powers they personify.

Real communication happens when people feel safe.

Pain is just a feeling, and feelings aren't real.

Trends are manufactured. Real things just happen.

Thought, not money, is the real business capital.

There are real people behind the [Bible] stories.

The only real stupidity is that of a closed mind.

I played a lot of real normal, straight sessions.

When myth meets myth, the collision is very real.

The real beggar is indeed the true and only king.

Don't worry, Even Jesus never saw his real father

In a real sense faith is total surrender to God .

Our scars make us know that our past was for real

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