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I've always got songs ready to go. It's not a challenge to conjure anything, it's just whether the music I supply is desirable.
I think most Americans are ready for waging peace and not just brutalizing our foreign policy which is boomeranging against us.
Singing is the love of my life, but I was ready to give it all up because I couldn't handle people talking about how fat I was.
Together, we will remain the most ready and capable military force in the world, which is what our nation expects and deserves.
But I do feel a little teeny right now that I'm just about ready to start, and winter is entering. Half past autumn has arrived.
I'm ready to do something with Lady Gaga or Andrea Bocelli. I'm really grateful that nothing is out of the realm of possibility.
I should have been dead 50, 60 years ago. God just wasn't ready for me. Because I used to raise hell and drink. I've had my fun!
You can be standing right in front of the truth and not necessarily see it, and people only get it when they're ready to get it.
If the white man gives you anything - just remember when he gets ready he will take it right back. We have to take for ourselves.
Some people do need to grow up, but I don't think I'm there yet. I don't think I'm ready to do grown-up things and be a grown-up.
There is something very utopian about what I do. But utopia is nothing more than a truth that the world is not yet ready to hear.
I'm at that point in my life where I definitely want to get married soon. I've got my dogs as surrogates, but I'm ready for kids.
I quit high school on my birthday. It was my senior year and I didn't see the point. This was 1962, and I was ready to make music.
They say revenge is a dish best eaten cold, but for most people, by the time it's ready to eat, they just don't fancy it any more.
Oh, if I had only known, if I had only been ready, our lives can really be the great adventure we so passionately want them to be.
One of the great lessons the fall of the leaf teaches, is this: do your work well and then be ready to depart when God shall call.
We must be ready to learn from one another, not claiming that we alone possess all truth and that somehow we have a corner on God.
By the time the people asking the questions are ready for the answers, the people doing the work have lost track of the questions.
I know where I wanna end up. I'm ready to go, and I'm ready to learn. I'm ready to build, and I'm ready to establish my longevity.
There isn't anything that I cannot be or do or have, and I have a huge Nonphysical staff that's ready to assist me, and I'm ready.
As long as I'm needed. I'll be ready to serve. I look forward with optimism. We need the Jews here. Move to Israel! Move to Israel!
I have built my life to pursue the new. I don't have family, don't know many people and I am usually ready to leave within an hour.
I love teaching. I love working with kids... maybe some day I'll go back to the classroom. I'm not ready to say it'll never happen.
We live in a new time and a new place, and people have to begin to be ready for the kind of oversight that the public is demanding.
What we perceive as a failure may simply be our inner being's way of telling us that we are ready to move to a new level of growth.
I know that if a film is ready to emerge out of what I write, I'll be able to go off and make it without asking anyone's permission.
I loved all books that I could read, and I never knew if I was ready for it until I tried to read it, so I tried to read everything.
You need to know everything. You both need to be comfortable with sharing everything. If you can't you are NOT ready to get married.
The press has no better friend than I am, no one who is more ready to acknowledge . . . its tremendous power for both good and evil.
No man is worth his salt who is not ready at all times to risk his well-being, to risk his body, to risk his life, in a great cause.
The Arabs are ready to accept a strong Israel with nuclear arms - all it has to do is open the gates of its fortress and make peace.
When you work on an album for three and a half years, you're kind of ready for it to get out there. To have your songs reach people.
That's what's wrong with women. They want you to wait for them until they get ready and then they don't even tell you how they feel.
I told my parents I wanted to be an actor, and they were getting ready for a life of unemployment, so they're just happy I'm in work!
The Ultimate Warrior was explosive, confident, heroic, and ready to get into battle. He was a character who had his own set of rules.
I don't have to prove anything to anyone. As a result, I am ready to take up again the characters who are closer to what I really am.
Once we decided to be in this industry, we have to be ready for everything. You have to be strong but hard working. No pain, no gain.
When I began experimenting, people weren't ready for it. Once it's in its second and third generational stages, people can accept it.
You don't do pictures because the audience is ready for them. You do them because there's something gnawing at you, something inside.
I was thrust into the spotlight and didn't really know what I was doing. The opportunity was amazing but I wasn't ready for any of it.
Software is becoming no different than a videotape or a record album or a paperback book, and not all of us are ready for that change.
The body is ready to have babies. Nature wants it done then, when the body can handle it, not after 40, when the income can handle it.
When 'Raazi' released, I think I was ready to embrace complex roles and some challenging characters with responsibility and restraint.
I have practically no private life. I'm already used to this and ready for it. Yes, sometimes it is hard, but it is the choice I made.
Zionism is a revolutionary process. And in a revolution, you must be ready not to think too much about sentiments or human weaknesses.
No matter how well things are going, failure and disaster are just around the corner. So celebrate the good, but be ready for the bad.
The last few years I've been saying I was ready to quit. It wasn't that interesting to me. Now that I'm directing, it's all new again.
As you know, I'm not on SnapFace and all that, so I don't really get those. I'm really just worried about getting our team ready to go.
Every first-term president has to learn something after he comes into office. Nobody can be completely ready for the inevitable crises.
And all men are ready to pass judgement on the priest as if he was not a being clothed with flesh, or one who inherited a human nature.