Make way for the positive day.

What does rasta mean? Righteousness.

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery.

In the abundance of water - the fool is thirsty

The good times of today, are the sad thoughts of tomorrow.

Let righteousness cover the earth like the water cover the sea!

the power of philosophy floats through my head.. light like a feather, heavy as lead.

I have friends from rock stars to Rastas; I don't even know what an unexpected friend is.

Rise O fallen fighters, rise and take your stance again, He who fight and run away, Live to fight another day

Life and Jah are one in the same. Jah is the gift of existence. I am in some way eternal, I will never be duplicated.

My music will go on forever. Maybe it's a fool say that, but when me know facts me can say facts. My music will go on forever.

Facts an' facts, an' t'ings an t'ings: dem's all a lotta fockin' bullshit. Hear me! Dere is no truth but de one truth, an' that is the truth of Jah Rastafari.

In the beginning there was the word. The word was Jah. The word is in I, Jah is in I. I make what is good, better, and what is better, best. I follow this in every aspect of life.

I'm trying to get good message out to the people. It's like the scriptures because you know what the scriptures are in the bible. Words of Jah, words of Christ, words of Rasta and everything that's righteous are in the scriptures unto I and I.

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