Very rarely will you listen to the radio in a judgmental way, the way you'll watch telly.

In my experience and observation, senior appointments are rarely based entirely on merit.

I've always noticed that films set in any sort of future very rarely draw on the present.

It's very hard to get together with your friends. You rarely see friends as a whole group.

In England, rock music very rarely infiltrates the charts, but country music even less so.

But rarely have I made choices that made me feel I was really compromising what I believe.

I do try to write in ways that reflect reality, and I think that reality is rarely simple.

Sex and older women used to be considered an oxymoron, rarely mentioned in the same breath.

Rising anti-Semitism is rarely the lone or the last expression of intolerance in a society.

I'm rarely invited to start-up parties, but who cares about their trinkets and apps anyway?

I worked for a private investigative agency briefly. I rarely had the opportunity to snoop.

I rarely have out-of-town visitors because you have to do things like take them around L.A.

New York is so strange. Every time I'm there, I very rarely see someone who's dressed cool.

I choose the places I go to carefully and wisely. I'll rarely go to a shopping mall anymore.

Those who abhors democracy would rarely immigrate to an authoritarian state if they have to.

I never played the right roles, or very rarely got the right roles offered, except on stage.

You rarely, in the professional world, have the chance to express yourself as an individual.

The SEALs rarely call the Taliban 'terrorists' because they respect them as worthy opponents.

I was quite an insomniac. I rarely slept as a child. Having God to talk to at night was nice.

I rarely believe anything, because at the time of believing I am not really there to believe.

Too often I would hear men boast of the miles covered that day, rarely of what they had seen.

Consequently, a young business often grows by large percentages. Mature businesses rarely do.

Changes and progress very rarely are gifts from above. They come out of struggles from below.

Who Rebels? Who rises in arms? Rarely the slave, but almost always the oppressor turned slave.

Michael Cohen is one of the world's greatest evidence hoarders. He rarely threw anything away.

My job is to show my clients that their anger is rarely someone else's fault. It's their flaw.

People employed in financial institutions are rarely interesting and even more rarely likable.

As an entrepreneur, the pressures of a startup can be enormous, but it's rarely life or death.

I'm very lucky. I actually like screenwriting. I rarely feel a sense of doom going to my desk.

Social movements rarely succeed if they violate our gut sense of decency and moral proportion.

I do get stopped on the street, although rarely. And they always have something lovely to say.

I actually get very little phone calls. I get way more tweets and texts. My phone rarely rings.

It's really important that young people realise very rarely do you become an overnight success.

I fly my own airplane, and I have since 1960. I rarely fly anywhere other than my own airplane.

I create offbeat advice; I don't follow it. I rarely take third-party advice on my investments.

Assad's regime helped ISIS grow by attacking other opposition forces and rarely targeting ISIS.

Ah! yes, I know: those who see me rarely trust my word: I must look too intelligent to keep it.

Students rarely disappoint teachers who assure them in advance that they are doomed to failure.

Sometimes you get lucky and things are as easy as you had imagined, but that's rarely the case.

I sing a lot, so if I have lipstick, it gets all over the microphone, so I rarely wear lipstick.

Slogans rarely convince the unconvinced. However, they do rally the troops already on your side.

The media bring our wars home, but only rarely have they been able to do it in complete freedom.

I very rarely go back to do shows again. I'm done once I've learned the lessons I need to learn.

The road to democracy is rarely smooth, but for Egyptian women, it has been exceptionally bumpy.

When I first started to cook, I would cook these elaborate meals, but I rarely cook at home now.

Here's something we're rarely told growing up: our world rewards wealth, not hard work or talent.

Actors rarely stay in touch with directors after they've filmed together. We go back to real life.

I rarely stay at home when I'm in New York. I'm always doing things. It brings you so much energy.

Relative to all the start-ups out there, getting a valuation of $1 billion is rarely accomplished.

At a moment that comes rarely in the life of a country. It is a time when destiny is ours to hold.

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