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I came to love silence, because it's so rare, and it's now my favorite aural condition.
For instance, it was very rare for anyone there with dogs to allow them into the house.
It's rare to find a film that goes for broke and says, 'To hell with the consequences.'
It's rare that I read more than two or three books by any one author; usually only one.
Normally, on the rare chance that a celebrity comes to my property, I get real nervous.
It's very rare I'll watch anything I'm a part of and think, 'I wouldn't change a thing.'
The rare pleasure of being seen for what one is, compensates for the misery of being it.
'Jolly LLB' is one of my favorite movies. Courtroom films are rare to come by in Telugu.
Praise is good. Some people over-praise, though. Genuine appreciation is rare to come by.
When you start using terms like national championship and playoffs, that's very rare air.
In very rare circumstances, the executive branch might choose to ignore a court decision.
Madness is rare in individuals - but in groups, parties, nations, and ages it is the rule.
It's really rare for film directors to be that interested in things other than themselves.
It is a rare piece of legislation indeed where there is so much agreement about the goals.
I think I'm one of the rare people out there who still cares about the game of basketball.
Kabir Khan is that rare director who manages to merge Bollywood formula with a good story.
Perfect health, like perfect beauty, is a rare thing; and so, it seems, is perfect disease.
It's rare that anybody gets in the Hall of Fame, and to be nominated is good enough for me.
There are lots of comic bosses and fathers in sitcoms, but the comic landlord remains rare.
It's so rare to get all of your muscles firing at once. That's what I look for in any role.
Booing - I never like it. We see it in other sports all the time, but in tennis, it's rare.
Its pretty rare for companies to have a snooping policy, although it is getting more common.
Trust is that rare and priceless treasure that wins us the affection of our heavenly Father.
Its rare to see a proud and out LGBT person win an Oscar in a lead or supporting actor role.
It's rare that I come across actors who are willing to work as hard on the material as I am.
It's rare to get a really truly wonderfully written, acted and produced sci-fi show, period.
As an actress, to get to work on a project where the main focus is the female voice is rare!
I don't have any fear of intimacy, but rather thrive on it, which is rare in a public person.
We need to work for a day when police shootings are rare and not the stuff of our daily news.
Those who create are rare; those who cannot are numerous. Therefore, the latter are stronger.
My experience is that's rare - that you have a script that is... what they call 'film-ready.'
I think it's so hard to get really, really strong parts where the actress can act. It's rare.
I fall asleep on the couch in front of the TV. It's very rare that I see the end of any show.
Doing exercise without monitoring yourself will be rare in the future of wearable technology.
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.
I feel it's so rare that young females are portrayed as being anything more than a stereotype.
It's very rare that stand-up comics have kids, because once they do, they stop doing stand-up.
Children are weird. I was going to say 'most children,' but I think this a rare universal law.
I think when you work with older actors, who are so good, it's rare that they are egotistical.
I don't like sitting on the bench even when it was very rare at Hull to rest during cup games.
It is very rare in the life of an intellectual to see your support network show up all at once.
To have lived your dream is very rare in life. I am a very happy man. I have been so fortunate.
I feel like loyalty is such a rare quality in this world, particularly the entertainment world.
I'm acting! And doing it for income! But it's for something that I love, and that's super rare.
It's rare to get a part in a show that's greenlit, let alone two shows that have been greenlit.
Isn't it a rare thing, telling hopeful stories now? I think we need more of that, to be honest.
The single most exciting thing you encounter in government is competence, because it's so rare.
It's fairly common to get something optioned but really rare to actually see it become a movie.
It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.
I don't want to big myself up, but goals like mine leave a mark on history because they're rare.