I'm a radical feminist, not the fun kind.

ALL men keep ALL women in a state of fear

All men are rapists and that's all they are

The institution of sexual intercourse is anti-feminist

Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings

In the end there is nothing more unattractive to men than radical feminism.

Feminism is built on believing women's accounts of sexual use and abuse by men.

Heterosexual intercourse is the pure, formalized expression of contempt for women's bodies.

The cornerstone of the political correctness that dominates campus culture is radical feminism.

All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman.

In every century, there are a handful of writers who help the human race to evolve. Andrea is one of them.

Under patriarchy, every woman's son is her potential betrayer and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another woman.

And if the professional rapist is to be separated from the average dominant heterosexual (male), it may be mainly a quantitative difference.

I feel that 'man-hating' is an honourable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.

Being a housewife is an illegitimate profession... The choice to serve and be protected and plan towards being a family-maker is a choice that shouldn't be. The heart of radical feminism is to change that

One of the basic tenets of radical feminism is that any woman in the world has more in common with any other woman regardless of class, race, age, ethnic group, nationality - than any woman has with any man.

One can know everything and still be unable to accept the fact that sex and murder are fused in the male consciousness, so that the one without the imminent possibly of the other is unthinkable and impossible.

Radical feminism, male lesbians, transsexuals, musical condoms with suspenders, and lotsa drummers drumming are all manifestations of a political agenda with roots in the 1960s. This is all fruit we are reaping from the sexual revolution.

At the demonstration of sixty feminists against the Miss America Pageant in 1968, when the women filled a trash can with bras, girdles, curlers and spike-heeled shoes, the bra-burning myth was launched by the media and, in spite of its inaccuracy and spiteful intent, put radical feminism on the map.

Radical feminism is the most destructive and fanatical movement to come down to us from the Sixties. This is a revolutionary, not a reformist, movement, and it is meeting with considerable success. Totalitarian in spirit, it is deeply antagonistic to traditional Western culture and proposes the complete restructuring of society, morality, and human nature.

Radical feminist theorists do not seek to make gender a bit more flexible, but to eliminate it. They are gender abolitionists, and understand gender to provide the framework and rationale for male dominance. In the radical feminist approach, masculinity is the behaviour of the male ruling class and femininity is the behaviour of the subordinate class of women. Thus gender can have no place in the egalitarian future that feminism aims to create.

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