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People must realize that a crime motivated by racial or ethnic prejudice against one group is a crime against all of us.
Happily, the days when overt racial discrimination and segregation were championed by social conservatives are long past.
I just want to do work that gets people excited and makes them feel things, no matter their economic or racial background.
There is a racial element: It's undeniable. We've had inequitable funding of schools for decades in the state of Michigan.
Certainly we can end racism with love. We can demand that the federal government change its emphasis on racial distinction.
If we're gonna get past our our racial differences, it's gonna come from our kids, but they have to be together to do that.
The idea of the mulatto has been a gathering point for a wide variety of racial prejudices, fears, myths, and speculations.
I think it's totally possible and plausible that racial balkanization is a recurring aspect of the nature of human politics.
One of the things that Americans, as a multiracial society, feel is a tremendous sensitivity to racial comments of all kinds.
When I played, I received racial abuse but I was just one of a few black players and we weren't backed up by the authorities.
I grew up in Los Angeles when the racial tensions between blacks and Mexicans were very high. Gang violence was very prevalent.
American history and the history of baseball are bound up together: our racial politics can be described and traced through it.
If acknowledging that racial misgivings and misunderstandings are still a part of politics and life in America, I plead guilty.
There has been some snobbishness, particularly among the much older generation. There's class and then there's the racial thing.
All people of goodwill object to racial hatred. But no one cares that Billy Crystal darkened his skin to portray Sammy Davis Jr.
I think it's important to condemn that. There's a line, and if you have a racial - racist comment, no, somebody has to act upon it.
Of strong importance to me is the defense of minority rights, not just racial minorities, but ideological and religious minorities.
We've done a very poor job at really reflecting on our legacy of racial inequality... You see it in the South, but it's everywhere.
Art is universal. When works of art become classics, it is because they transcend geographical boundaries, racial barriers and time.
Martin Luther King, Jr. didn't carry just a piece of cloth to symbolize his belief in racial equality; he carried the American flag.
They don't pay me enough to take any racial abuse. If you come up to me and say something racially, I'm going to take your head off.
Believing that no one is better than the other. You know I grew up in the South. My senior year there was a very big racial tension.
Black Lives Matter is the culmination of racial divide. They're nothing more than the last socially acceptable hate group in America.
The symbolic value of having an African-American president has certainly eased some racial tensions in America, but they're not gone.
As important as the presidency is, that's not the only thing to take a look at in determining the racial health of the United States.
I've lived the American Dream and had a great life. Immigration and religion and racial tolerance are the foundation of this country.
People who would never think of dealing in racial or sexual stereotypes will still throw in a fat joke because it's still OK. Really?
Racial discrimination is illegal. It's illegal in the United States. It's illegal in Arizona. It has been and it will continue to be.
Obama's ascendancy unhinged the radical right, offering a unified target to competing camps of racial, nativist and religious animus.
I feel that racial profiling may be a very complicated and long-standing problem. It will take a long time even to make tiny progress.
White fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves.
Never use curse words, foul language, or racial slurs, or say anything about a person's appearance. Just work with being smart-mouthed.
I believe there are certainly racial problems in this country, and I believe that peaceful solutions can help bring the races together.
The eradication of racial and religious prejudice in the United States - and in the rest of the world as well - is a long-term process.
Racial politics in Chicago has a long history of being intertwined with the mayor's race, but I'd like to think we're past much of that.
The main thing people took from 'Night of the Living Dead' was that it was a racial statement movie, and that was completely unintended.
In commendably seeking to protect freedom of speech, we must not lower our defences against the evil of racial and religious intolerance.
Not unlike our country's history, my personal history was founded upon an unfortunate history of racial conflict between black and white.
Modern political liberalism, particularly its racial orthodoxy, is the science of excuse-making, the training of black minds for failure.
There are so many shows that are 'white,' and we wanted to talk about how two really delusional, cliche white girls handle racial issues.
I fantasize about the networks making a rule that each show's writing staff needs to reflect the gender and racial makeup of its audience.
Sexual, racial, gender violence and other forms of discrimination and violence in a culture cannot be eliminated without changing culture.
When you allow racial disparity and institutional inequity to affect one part of the country, eventually it's coming back to get everyone.
As physics has proven, we're ultimately particulate matter, which means we are all one. That's why racial and gender bias is so ridiculous.
I think it's certainly important that we don't have symbols in our society that are offensive to a segment and that arouse racial division.
I have the utmost respect and 'aloha' for black people - who have already suffered so much due to racial discrimination and acts of hatred.
In the fullness of time, I suspect that bigotry against homosexuals will seem as repugnant as racial prejudice does today. Or so one hopes.
The history of racial violence in our country is both omnipresent and unspoken. It is a smog that surrounds us that few will admit is there.
My answer to the racial problem in America is to not deal with it at all. The founding fathers dealt with it when they made the Constitution.
I still think people do have racial hang-ups, but I think one of the reasons I can joke about it is people are shedding those racial hatreds.