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I see more genuine sociability between the races in Mississippi than I see in Michigan. No question.
I think I've shown that all the promises I made that I was going to win races were real and not bull.
Can one preach at home inequality of races and nations and advocate abroad good-will towards all men?
I grew up in New York City, a town with different races, religions, and peoples. It breeds tolerance.
The only thing I keep from the races I've won are the handle bar grips from the bike, the rubber bits.
According to the now almost universally accepted theory, all the races of mankind had a common origin.
We need all races of men, and decent women, to stand up for what's right, drop anger, and live upright.
Surprising as it may seem, this study indicates that similar conditions are best for all sorts of races.
I race in two or three classic races a year and I may carry on for 10 more years or I may stop tomorrow.
Mathematics knows no races or geographic boundaries; for mathematics, the cultural world is one country.
I am a big believer in visualization. I run through my races mentally so that I feel even more prepared.
It should be very normal to see people of different races and ethnic minorities playing different parts.
When I was young, I would go to the races and it was an unbelievable feeling when you'd watch them race.
I think we have the approach that every race is a sprint. Some races are just longer sprints than others.
To win the Championship in the first year will be hard. We need time to become competitive and win races.
America is God's Crucible, the great Melting-Pot where all the races of Europe are melting and re-forming!
Of course, there are races that have been boring but overall it's been really good so I'm not complaining.
Nonetheless, much has been learned by studying the statistical differences between the various human races.
Thus, races arose from an original coding which God pulled out as needed for adaptation to the environment.
I really respond to diversity, a broader landscape, with actors of different ages and races and backgrounds.
Individual tribes or, in other words, races or stocks, are the constituent elements of the earliest history.
I want to be part of that long list who have achieved great things with McLaren, won races and championships.
I need to find a way to improve my qualifying performances because then I think my races will be even better.
We have a strict radio protocol and structure how our decisions are made. This is how we've won so many races.
I was the kid who never won the races. I never jumped the highest. I wasn't on the list of the high-achieving.
How many points, how many races you can win, how many times you be on the podium. That's the name of the game.
As for the level of spectacle of the two disciplines, I leave it to the people who watch the races to comment.
I was sure after the accident when in hospital in Hungary that I was not in the position not to lose any races.
My goal in sailing isn't to be brilliant or flashy in individual races, just to be consistent over the long run.
I've always been athletic - did the 100 metres and 1500 m at school, cross-country races - and did well in them.
In track and field, Nike is all-powerful. They control the top coaches, athletes, races, even the governing body.
I got my first guitar at age of 7 and never laid it down. Momma taught me G, C, and D. I was off to the races son!
I want to find a team that can give me a competitive car to win many more races and challenge for the championship.
Nobody in college races home and says, 'I can't wait to see the news! I can't wait to see who CBS is going to hire!'
Any time you have people of different races in a movie that's about America, there's going to be a racial component.
There are people who believe in expanding the welfare state across the spectrum of races and ethnicities and creeds.
In my younger days, I loved to run. Although it may be hard for you to believe it, I did. And I did win a few races.
The object of government in peace and in war is not the glory of rulers or of races, but the happiness of common man.
Race, what is that? Race is a competition, somebody winning and somebody losing. Blood doesn't run in races! Come on!
Clearly no one knows what leadership has gone undiscovered in women of all races, and in black and other minority men.
Racial segregation in the South not only separated the races, but it separated the South from the rest of the country.
Cultures and races are mixing in a very organic way in the world, and that should be reflected in film and television.
In Formula 1, you need a great level of endurance because the races are long, so you need a pretty good base endurance.
Success to me obviously isn't having accidents or getting penalties but finishing races as high a position as possible.
New York is great for busy creative types. The city has a pulse that races, and you either keep up with it or you leave.
We must never forget that Singapore is home for all races and this harmonious relationship must not be taken for granted.
We of Africa protest that, in this day and age, we should continue to be treated as lesser human beings than other races.
I could just go to the horse races and take lovely holidays, but I have some strong views, and I want to make a difference.
To be a part of TT history is a massive achievement. It is one of, if not the greatest races on two wheels, if not on four.
Many run primarily for the exercise, but others run to condition themselves for well-publicized races of various distances.