Quality is the one absolutely necessary ingredient of all the most successful companies in the world.

Hope is the foundational quality of all change, and encouragement is the fuel which keeps hope alive.

During adolescence, friends bring an intimate quality of support that can't be provided by any adult.

Humility is not a weak and timid quality; it must be carefully distinguished from a groveling spirit.

Owing to the fact he was a mute they were able to give him all the qualities they wanted him to have.

The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives.

Thus we have given to man a pedigree of prodigious length, but not, it may be said, of noble quality.

We want to promote the great quality of athletics - and maintain it's integrity - all over the world.

The true greatness of nations is in those qualities which constitute the greatness of the individual.

Quality effective leaders have the confidence to trust others to try, succeed, and sometimes to fail.

There is still a real need for good quality architecture, not paper architecture, but the real stuff.

Between two products equal in price, function and quality, the better looking will outsell the other.

Customers pay only for what is of use to them and gives them value. Nothing else constitutes quality.

Creating breathing room financially may lower your standard of living but raise your quality of life.

Persistence is the twin sister of excellence. One is a matter of quality; the other, a matter of time.

Access to high quality video content -- essentially TV programming -- has never been better than today

Cheerfulness is also an excellent wearing quality. It has been called the bright weather of the heart.

You do design because you feel it inside; you have a moral issue to spread quality in our environment.

Modern education develops the intellect and imparts skills, but does not promote qualities in any way.

Generosity is nothing more seen than in a candid estimation of other men's virtues and good qualities.

Doing a life study while drunk and in the process of being seduced is never a formula for quality art.

If you don't manufacture a quality product all you've got at the end is a bunch of expensive mistakes.

Like everyone else, I try to do quality work with great directors. But much of it has to do with luck.

How sternly we reproach virtue for its failings, how indulgent we are to the better qualities of vice!

You can judge the quality of their faith from the way they behave. Discipline is an index to doctrine.

Keep on praying for faith, it is through prayer that you develop all your wonderful qualities of soul.

There is no quality in this world that is not what it is merely by contrast. Nothing exists in itself.

Entertainment is a sacred pursuit when done well. When done well, it raises the quality of human life.

Whatever qualities the rich may have, they can be acquired by anyone with the tenacity to become rich.

I see my finished platinum print (in the viewfinder) in all its desired qualities, before my exposure.

It's easy to move fast or be obsessed with quality, but the trick is you have to do both at a startup.

Whether we’re talking about socks or stocks, I like buying quality merchandise when it is marked down.

Quality in a classical Greek sense is how to live with grace and intelligence, with bravery and mercy.

Money has lost its narrative quality the way painting did once upon a time. Money is talking to itself.

Anybody can achieve gains in quality by slowing down production. That is not what we are talking about.

The beauty of a face is not a separate quality but a relation or proportion of qualities to each other.

For me, nothing brings out my 'born yesterday' idiotic qualities quite like having my photograph taken.

Each and every day health centers provide high-quality primary and preventive care to our constituents.

For me, the peculiar qualities of faith are a logical outcome of this level of biological organization.

All attributes ascribed to God are attributes of His acts, and do not imply that God has any qualities.

Ensuring quality higher education is one of the most important things we can do for future generations.

You will find as you grow older that courage is the rarest of all qualities to be found in public life.

Food availability is not really the issue. The quality of the food is what we recognize is the problem.

Narcissism as a virtue is very futuristic. Narcissism as a quality is where I think things are heading.

Like I've always said, in football the most important thing is the quality of minutes not the quantity.

There has been no lack of courage in Ireland; there never is, but even our courage has a fatal quality.

Art comes to you proposing frankly to give nothing but the highest quality to your moments as they pass.

The American people want economic prosperity, high-quality goods and low prices, all of which I support.

How you manage yourself as you deal with stuff in your life largely determines the quality of your life.

The theatre is my drug. And my illness is so far advanced that my physic must be of the highest quality.

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