What was punk all about? To me, it was if you really want to do something, go ahead and do it.

The jocks that used to stuff me into a locker when I was a punk rocker are my best buddies now.

I would say there's a lot of similarity between folk and punk. It's written for the common man.

I listened to lots of other kinds of music, but punk is what allowed me to actually play music.

To me, rockabilly music paralleled punk's energy and feeling, but the players were much better.

By many peoples' standards, my playing is very primitive but by punk standards, I'm a virtuoso.

I formed a band when I was about 13, and we all listened to punk - or what we thought was punk!

I was a punk. I think that's why I'm such a good person now, because I was such a bad guy then.

Most of the people who call me a sellout were 7 when I was down face-first in the punk trenches.

1991 for some people was a significant year in terms of punk rock. It was the year "punk broke".

The only punk that I really care about and am an expert on is the original punk of 1976 to 1979.

I was originally like a punker, know what I mean, like the punks are today, I'd spit in a minute.

Anything that's new wave is new. As far as punk rock goes, I've never really been exposed to any.

I was the punk outsider who nobody messed with. I was fearless. At 16, I graduated and moved out.

To me punk rock is thinking outside of the box, outside of the program, outside the establishment.

I was in a little punk band and we put out a few punk records that weren't very political, at all.

Punk will never be dead to me. It's my life. I can never just drop this lifestyle. It embodies me.

Daft Punk wouldn't have normally fit into anything that was pop on the radio, but they just did it.

I was the only real punk rock kid in my school, with, like, the plaid pants and the Rancid t-shirt.

Punk rock has become another viable art form. It always was. But now it's like everyone's doing it.

When someone asks you, 'What's punk?' my reply is, 'If you have to ask, you're never going to know.'

I'm a huge fan of sing-songy lyrics and loud guitars. Whatever punk band does that gets a gold star!

It's very cliched to go, 'You're not punk.' We don't care if we are, and we don't care if we aren't.

I can't think of any punk who's put on an acoustic and hasn't just tried to sound like James Taylor.

I always like to play in beautiful cathedrals, when I can somehow get access to do a punk show there.

I was still doing the punk thing, but also playing in some indie bands, I had a less crazy hairstyle.

We don't feel like we changed from rave, because we were never rave, to punk, because we're not punk.

Ziggy Stardust, the Village People, and punk rock really shaped who I am as a person and as a gay man.

I was a little self-centered gutter punk in the early 1980s and all I wanted to do was diss everybody.

I just think that playing bass, like punk rock bass with a pick, wasn't meant to be done for 25 years.

I've learned some of the greatest life lessons from growing up in the skate and punk rock communities.

I like the way punk people perform better than rappers, because rappers suck at performing - no offense.

I was never really that interested in the punk movement. I was a blues guy: I liked Motown, James Brown.

Music is music; you can't change rock and say well this is punk rock and this is acid rock or rockabilly.

When you're thirteen and listening to punk, the aggressive nature of music can sway you to the dark side.

When I was very young, I played in a punk-rock band, but I also studied music theory and classical music.

There are characters in [punk] that do deliberately go as far as they can in certain kind of taboo areas.

I'm very true to the old punk ethics of honesty and truthfulness and integrity... and still be authentic.

Were it not for the Clash, punk would have been just a sneer, a safety pin and a pair of bondage trousers.

I'm more interested in the meanings and the bands that fill up the spaces known as new wave and post punk.

I went to UC Berkeley for college, and it was during the period when the whole punk movement was happening.

Thank you for the music, Sleater-Kinney. This gang of three was the best American punk rock band ever. Ever.

To me, John Lennon and Elvis Presley were punks, because they made music that evoked those emotions in people.

I think people are too hard on the Pistols. The Pistols started the whole punk thing and never saw much money.

The bands you like and know that are French are always outsiders in the French music industry - Daft Punk, Air.

Teachers didn't like me very much. They thought I was just this punk kid and they always wanted to kick me out.

I couldn't imagine a list of 10 records that didn't contain a punk record - that didn't contain a Clash record.

I play really bad punk rock guitar. Age-old friends; it's just great hanging out with your mates, causing havoc.

I can't think of anything I hate more than a former punk - they are the most self-righteous people in the world.

There's an irony about making a film about punk because punk isn't supposed to have feature films made about it.

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