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All four of my grandparents were educators, my mom was a school nurse, and I went through the public school system.
Well, when I moved to L.A. at 17, I had just come out of high school. I grew up and went to public school in Boston.
Often times the public school teachers are ridiculed or they are made to feel inferior but this is really undeserved.
Having gone to a public school, I thought I knew about posh people. But I didn't know anything until I went to Oxford.
Public school teachers enjoy a huge amount of job security, thanks to their powerful unions and inflexible work rules.
My wife has a public charter school for children with dyslexia. Almost every one of them has failed in a public school.
If you want a good education, go to private schools. If you can't afford it, tough luck. You can go to the public school.
I went to a fairly normal, middle-of-the-road public school in a suburb of New Orleans, but it gave me huge opportunities.
Public school felt like prison - cinderblock walls, fluorescent lights, metal lockers. It was so sterile and unstimulating.
Our public school system is our country's biggest and most inefficient monopoly, yet it keeps demanding more and more money.
A core part of Teach For America's mission has always been affecting positive change in the traditional public school system.
The apex of my civic pride and personal contentment was reached on the bright September morning when I entered the public school.
My mum and dad both worked full-time jobs to send my sister and I to public school, and to allow us to play the sports we wanted.
I'm a journalist, so my friends are journalists: magazines, newspapers, even public radio. Nobody had their kids in public school.
Everybody around the world wants to send their kids to our universities. But nobody wants to send their kids here to public school.
Well, just as in the quality of public schools, there is massive disparity and the compensation given to the public school teachers.
I do believe ultimately the role is of our state government to ensure every child in this state has a great public school education.
I want my kids to be in an environment where they can talk about values in a way that you can't always do in a public school setting.
I go to public school, which is nice because that's where I can go to be Darci, and when I perform, I'm Darci Lynne. It's my balance.
We need to really focus on getting this digital equity across the board in all of our public school systems, for both girls and boys.
People think I have the benefit of a public school education. I have this suave and debonair label, but really, I'm as common as muck.
If a parent chooses to go to a school that is not a public school, then that is a decision made and a contract made with that provider.
My mother was a public school teacher in Virginia, and we didn't have any money, we just survived on happiness, on being a happy family.
I went to a public school in Oak Harbor, Ohio, and it's a very rural community. I was an artist kid, and I just didn't fit in very well.
While the public school rewards failure by throwing more government money at failing school systems, the voucher system does the opposite.
I went to private school and then chose to go to public school because I didn't like the private school experience; I didn't like that vibe.
I remember as a kid having the offer of a scholarship, that it was going to be like going to Mars, and deciding to stay in my public school.
I went to public school for like, one day. I don't get it. Everybody tries to be exactly the same. I think being an outsider is a good thing.
When I arrived at Middlesex I was the only guy who'd been to public school and I got plenty of stick. But it wasn't held against me for long.
I miss my friends in public school, but it's kind of a part of something that you have to give up. I'd rather perform than go to public school.
I spent a few years after college as a Boston public school teacher and I loved it. But I was never committed to it, committed to it as a career.
I'm convinced many of America's heroes are public school teachers and administrators. Many of these people do what they do because of their faith.
One of the ways I learned how to act, really, is by having secrets and having to function as a kid in a public school in suburban Bible Belt Texas.
Elite private-school educations leave students unprepared for a standardized test with which their public school counterparts are innately familiar.
I was born in Harlem, raised in the South Bronx, went to public school, got out of public college, went into the Army, and then I just stuck with it.
When you introduce competition into the public school system, most studies show that schools start to do better when they are competing for students.
I went to public school my whole life. It was a performing arts school, so I can't say if it was a typical experience or not, because it's all I know.
If we elect people who have never been to public school, never had to worry about counting on Social Security, then how can they effectively legislate?
If you're poor, you don't often live near a good school. If it's a competitive public school program, our kids are not prepared to enter those programs.
There is no reason why any public school district in our state should be on a four-day school week. If anything, we should be extending the school year.
There were only two other Chinese families in this town of 25,000, but to our parents, the determining factor was the quality of the public school system.
My mother was told she couldn't go to medical school because she was a woman and a Jew. So she became a teacher in the New York City public school system.
My schedule won't allow me to go to regular school, but I did love public school, and I did experience my first year of middle school in a regular school.
I remember the mentoring experiences of some teachers that I had, like a second term home room teacher in public school that really was very helpful to me.
I went to public school, elementary through high school. I went to homecoming, to football games, pep rallies, I got detention, I got an F. I've done it all.
I don't want the values of others being imposed on my children in my school, and I don't think that should be happening in a public school or a private school.
If I'd been born into a hearing family and went to a public school, I would have probably felt much more isolated, and being deaf would have become my identity.
I'm very grateful and fully aware that 90 percent of actors are not working. Going from public school teacher to a show like 'Grey's Anatomy', I love what I do.
I went to public school on Long Island, and it seemed every year we were being taught that you had a right to a fair trial and a right to confront your accuser.
I think my formative experiences were really in junior high, where at a typical public school we were doing little genetic experiments, very classic experiments.