What is clear is that consumers know a calorie isn't a calorie. There are good fats and bad fats and good proteins and bad ones.

After workouts, I always try to eat protein right away, like a protein smoothie or an organic protein bar - you get them online.

Using the power of protein engineering and evolution, we can convince enzymes to take what they do poorly and do it really well.

I stock up on nuts, protein shakes, protein bars, seeds, and have them everywhere - the car, wherever - for when I'm on the move.

Whey protein is taken very quickly into the bloodstream and there is a lot of waste, so it is not ideal on its own in most cases.

I have practice from 9 A.M. to 12 P.M., and then I drive home and eat lunch, which is either chicken or fish so I get the protein.

Eggs are not only one of the highest quality sources of protein, but they come stocked with various vitamins and minerals as well.

I use honey to condition my hair and eggs for protein. Also, mayonnaise and olive oil are great options for keeping it moisturized.

Remember that all your favourite meals can be made healthier, because the simple fact is, you can never go wrong with protein and veg!

I probably eat about 300-350g of carbs a day. About 160g of protein, about 60-80g of fat, which I think is about 2,500-3,000 calories.

I basically eat a lot of proteins, and I've been eating smaller portions of food. I try to eat all locally raised and organic produce.

We are, each one of us, not just defined by the arrangement of protein molecules in our cells, but also by the things we call our own.

Anything out of a packet is off-limits. Copyright that: the No Packet Diet. I just prefer fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, and fresh protein.

When I was training for the Olympics, I didn't eat the way I should have. I missed out on much-needed protein and opted for every easy carb.

I really love to run, and then right after, get some good lifting in. Then, of course, follow all that up with some healthy meals and protein.

To recover from workouts I typically drink a 20-gram protein shake, float in the pool for 15 minutes, then do a hot-and-cold tub contrast soak.

When you're vegan, you spend your time chasing protein, and you're eating food that's way too high in carbs. I could never catch up on protein.

For breakfast, I usually like to do either a protein shake if I'm rushing out the door, or egg whites and turkey bacon are also a go-to for me.

I don't drink any soda. None at all. Just water with lemon. If I need something different: iced tea. I don't have anything like protein shakes.

I start in the morning with something like a breakfast burrito and a smoothie, something that gives me enough protein and carbs to start my day.

Chicken, brown rice, and veggies is a great healthy dinner option. It's full of whole grains and protein, and will keep you full for a long time.

My kitchen bench is covered with vitamins and protein powders. I go through phases when I'm sure I'm taking too many - but I don't get sick often.

Protein was the most valued ingredient 250 years ago: It was the rarest thing. Now the rarest thing we have is time: time to cook and time to eat.

I always run in the morning on an empty stomach, and I'll go through a bottle and a half of water. Then I have a protein drink or I eat egg whites.

What I do normally is I do the cardio, then I'll eat - protein shake, oatmeal, banana - then I'll hit the gym, and I'll be in the gym for two hours.

I'm not a fan of aggressive meathead dudes who spend three hours at the gym, drink protein shakes, talk about lifting and what juice they're trying.

I've tried the keto diet and all these things, but what I've found is that as long as I'm keeping a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein, that works for me.

Diets don't come into it. You need variety and to have a good source of greens, protein, and nutrition. It is about health rather than looking right.

Let's take a common sense approach to school lunches, and offer our children fresh, unprocessed vegetables, fruits, and whole grains and lean protein.

My body needs a lot of protein because I exercise so much. I eat dairy, meat, and gluten, but I stay away from white flour, sugar, and processed foods.

I'm not big on protein shakes - I think they're pretty gross, actually - so I have to make sure I eat enough meat, fish, and other good protein sources.

I review all the riders for my music clients and make sure there's healthy food and snack options, like strained yogurt, fresh berries, and lean protein.

I work hard, I will tell you that. I do a very low carb, high protein diet. I do Tracy Anderson, I do Body by Simone, I do Pilates, and I do Bikram Yoga.

I'm a total protein shake junkie nerd. I get creative every morning - you never know what you're gonna get in my shake... fruit? Peanut butter? Ice-cream?

I will make a ton of meat and fish and poultry on Sunday and then again on Wednesday. It's not always easy to get protein if you don't prepare in advance.

I never thought I'd be an expert at sword fighting, I never thought I'd be an expert in protein powders - I'm close to being an expert in both. It's great!

Whenever I meet with nutritionists, we discuss the idea of having everything in moderation and that people should eat protein or fiber when they eat sugar.

The group who really could benefit from more protein is not fit young gym-goers but older people, who seem to be at much greater risk of protein deficiency.

One of my favorite snacks is Chobani yogurt with Bear Naked granola, because it has all the nutrients I need; it's all-natural, and it has a lot of protein.

Yeah, I've always been a big Chunky Soup guy. I'm digging all the new Chunky Maxx flavors, which are packed with protein. Specifically, the black angus beef.

I eat a lot of grass-fed beef. That's my main protein source. But I'll substitute in chicken and turkey, and sometimes fish, to have a little bit of variety.

It now seems certain that the amino acid sequence of any protein is determined by the sequence of bases in some region of a particular nucleic acid molecule.

When I was playing, I kept my calorie intake up with protein shakes and chicken, fish and steak. Now there's no real diet, but I pay attention to what I eat.

After a tough workout, I try to eat lots of proteins and try to have some carbohydrates. Pasta is always good with protein, and I enjoy Bolognese with chicken.

Synchrotron light has revolutionized the field of protein crystallography. It has made it possible to look at much larger structures with much smaller crystals.

The history of modern nutritionism has been a history of macronutrients at war: protein against carbs; carbs against proteins, and then fats; fats against carbs.

I drink protein shakes nonstop - three or four a day - and I run a lot, so you get rid of the bad carbs and keep the rest so you have the energy to make it through.

As your body deteriorates, your natural talents start to go a little bit. You have to bring in physical working out, building, taking protein and doing extra stuff.

As people around the world become more affluent, they are demanding diets richer in animal protein, which will require ever more robust feed crop yields to sustain.

I swear, the bigger your muscles get, the duller you are. You become fascinated with carbs and protein and ripped abs and things that are just not interesting at all.

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