Politicians will talk strategy and tactics and policies and programs until they're blue in the face, or you strangle them and they turn blue.

I've benefited enormously from an arts education and a music education in New York. When they cut the programs for funding, I was devastated.

This is the first time in my 32 years in public broadcasting that PBS has ordered up programs for ideological instead of journalistic reasons.

In my teens, I worked as an aide in my community supervising and mentoring youth in various programs and delivering lunches to needy students.

Using prescription drug monitoring programs is an important step in identifying patients who may be improperly using prescription painkillers.

The idea was never for me to be a career bureaucrat or career technocrat; it was more about where I could implement ideas and reform programs.

'Dead Aid' is about the inefficacy and the limitations of large-scale aid programs in creating economic growth and reducing poverty in Africa.

There is much more to schools than buildings. There are academic activities, how it reaches the community and its proximity to other programs.

Programs that pay farmers not to farm often devastate rural areas. The reductions hurt everyone from fertilizer companies to tractor salesmen.

People seem comfortable with me. And maybe that's got a lot to do with shows like Graham Norton. You just tell it like it is on those programs.

While I am willing to compromise on process or on programs, I will not compromise my principles, nor would I expect those I work with to do so.

Those who reject integration programs in the long term have as little right to stay in Germany as a hate preacher paid from abroad in a mosque.

I've done a lot of the NBA programs in the Philippines and other places in South Florida. But I've always wanted to be a part of BWB in Africa.

We have learned by now, or should have, that the best-intended designers of aid programs can make ghastly mistakes in their sophisticated plans.

The bastard form of mass culture is humiliated repetition... always new books, new programs, new films, news items, but always the same meaning.

The Ways and Means Committee for me has this opportunity to work with programs where I can take my parents' sense of community and make it work.

The values, the programs, the formula, the determination, and the patriotism responsible for America's past success are still here to be tapped.

Ultimately, Communism must be defeated by progressive political programs which wipe out the poverty, misery, and discontent on which it thrives.

Without a doubt, I wholeheartedly support programs at Microsoft and in the industry that bring more women into technology and close the pay gap.

A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.

I've led programs that have helped thousands of individuals, small businesses, veterans, the disabled, farmers get low-interest loans to prosper.

Corruption in state-owned enterprises and other public institutions has undermined our government's programs to address poverty and unemployment.

We have taken on the health insurance industry, we have taken on the drug companies, instituting programs to lower the cost of prescription drugs.

The dance community suddenly came alive with programs like 'So You Think You Can Dance,' 'America's Best Dance Crew' and 'Dancing With The Stars.'

I was able to turn to classical music many people, who saw my programs live and on YouTube, and this is one of the nicest achievements I can have.

The need to change our country's fiscal trajectory, including reforming entitlement programs, is an unassailable reality that will define our time.

Anti-gun groups, most of which are funded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, have done little to promote or fund real gun safety programs.

We have a plan that creates universal access programs at the state level which allows folks to access insurance if they're denied by their insurer.

I am a Democrat; I want to fund programs that help people. In order to do that, you need to have revenues and you have revenues when you have jobs.

The U.S. government has known since the early 1990s about Soviet-era smallpox weapons, and collected circumstantial evidence of programs elsewhere.

The American Legion is a cornerstone of the community of South Jersey, and the United States, and its programs and activities strengthen our nation.

Policies that promote better wages and better jobs would be super-helpful, and I'm a big fan of programs that encourage people to go where jobs are.

I can create as many programs and mentorships and scholarships as I want, but it doesn't change the environment in which our youth are growing up in.

I work really hard not to have a kitsch tone to any of my work, particularly radio stuff, which sometimes goes in that direction on certain programs.

When I started Black Girls Code in 2011, there weren't any programs that had a foundation in communities of color to teach our kids about technology.

I don't think the North Korean leadership is interested in a genuine deal to end their WMD programs or their stranglehold on the North Korean people.

I'm really considering all the schools. It's not fair for me to only look at certain... programs just because they had players that are at my stature.

As companies deal with the impact of technology and the incredible pace of change, they are fundamentally rethinking talent and family leave programs.

One thing about bowl games for me is that big time programs might rank higher, but I love the regional match ups. The bragging rights are on the line.

After college, I went into the NBC Page Program. It's one of those great programs that allows kids to get their feet wet in every area of the business.

We have a responsibility to make sure that the limited resources we have are spent efficiently and effectively and that programs achieve their mission.

Many programs are built on the government's spending power, and the existence of an extraconstitutional limit on that power is a worrisome development.

The measure of a man is not how great his faith is, but how great his love is. We must not let government programs disconnect our souls from each other.

Through SCP Auctions, the Garvey family will also continue to share our great love for baseball by donating time and dollars to youth baseball programs.

When donors visited the Black Panther Party, they came and saw our real programs, a real clinic, with real doctors and medics, giving service to people.

If you're poor, you don't often live near a good school. If it's a competitive public school program, our kids are not prepared to enter those programs.

I think a lot of sporting organisations are really sitting up and taking notice, putting in some great programs and investing a lot into women's sports.

I am very concerned that federal and state air quality programs do not consider public health in regulating certain classes of industrial air emissions.

When you become president, they don't give you a magic wand that you wave. You have to get legislation passed. You have to get agencies to run programs.

We're going to try to create some programs that are going to generate viewer interest and appointment viewing. We still will have news on Headline News.

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