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For parents who work, afterschool programs can be a crucial support system, but too many communities have limited options.
Bill O'Reilly is a socialist. He is in favor of Medicare, he is in favor of Social Security. Those are socialist programs.
A lot of people refer to me as somebody that they know. I think that kind of energy resonates with the programs on Netflix.
Co-opting the conservative line on anti-poverty programs did nothing to halt conservative attacks on anti-poverty programs.
Many training programs and often schools focus on just a skill or a kind of work competency. That's only half the equation.
We need to cut unnecessary weapons programs like the F-35 fighter plane that cost trillions of dollars and don't even work.
Everyone should have the same opportunity, and in many areas that's not the case because programs are built around the elite.
I never wanted to be a pop singer, but I always watched pop programs and knew I could do better than the people I was seeing.
Everybody thinks you can get by by being Mr. Nice Guy, but that's not what winning programs do. Winning programs have a plan.
My mom set up relief programs in third world countries. We would do things like go to Bogota with her instead of summer camp.
In South Carolina, there's a lot of arts programs. So I was blessed enough to go to the Governor School For Arts & Humanities.
Too often, while well-intentioned, our poverty programs fail the poor. They fail them by keeping them in cycles of dependency.
Money buys the most experienced teachers, less-crowded classrooms, high-quality teaching materials, and after-school programs.
My workout routine changed pretty dramatically in the NFL. Workout programs from college to the NFL are significantly different.
Attractive labels are usually attached to the most dangerous programs, often in the name of public welfare and personal security.
Like so many large companies in the U.S., Monsanto has prospered in large part due to U.S. taxpayer-funded programs and services.
There are programs for the scrapping of appliances, but no one thinks about what's involved in the waste management of brassieres.
We laugh at liberals who declare that their favorite spending programs should be exempt because the spending is for a noble cause.
When it comes to the video channels and the programs, the radio stations, the music is geared towards kids, and it's made by kids.
Federal gas tax revenues that are paid into the trust fund by highway users should be used for programs that benefit highway users.
There's a long history of artificial intelligence programs that try to mimic what the brain is doing, but they've all fallen short.
As Congress battles over spending and cost cutting, it is imperative that funding for math education programs does not fall victim.
I'm pretty grounded on my own passion - writing books, you know, doing programs, speaking around the country. And I love what I do.
When I saw the movie 'Black Swan,' I liked the darker aspect of it, the more dramatics, and that's what I like to do for my programs.
Computer systems could not work without standards - an agreement among programs and systems about how they will exchange information.
We really accomplished what we set out to do with the Recovery Act programs, which was to fill the lending gap created by the crisis.
Sometimes well-intentioned programs can lead to dependency and cause us to forget we have what it takes to attain the American dream.
The way our federal agencies are funded, the way the authorizing of these programs are done, I think needs to be completely revamped.
I love watching programs about Discovery Channel and just reading New Scientist, and all that kind of stuff. Im just fascinated by it.
We have so many different television programs and various things that teach us about the lives of people we will never meet otherwise.
Most of the major consumer-goods companies roll out their marketing programs in the I-4 corridor. It reflects what America looks like.
The phenomenon of university creative writing programs doesn't exist in France. The whole idea is regarded as a novelty, or an oddity.
I run skills-building programs focused on healthy risk taking, failure resilience, and self-care for undergraduates around the country.
Diet and supplements and exercise programs aren't what is achieving longevity. Having a faith-based community can add four to 14 years.
Public housing is more than just a place to live, public housing programs should provide opportunities to residents and their families.
Religious programs, activities have often blurred and sidelined the centrality of the cross - causing religion to be empty of its core.
I'm going to skate exactly the way I want to, create programs that I like, and everything will fall into place where it is supposed to.
We need to remember that politics is all about people, not programs. We shouldn't want to take the humanness out of the political arena.
Haitians do not need development programs imposed on them by expatriates. Instead, they need help in developing as self-assured persons.
Democrats talk about programs like Social Security or Medicare, but it's not clear to most voters what Democrats' core moral values are.
Like sugar and, oh - let's say the most tabloidy and gossipy reality television programs - credit is, for millions, genuinely addictive.
I am a child of digital generation. I have done most of the records with Rilo Kiley on computers, on Pro Tools or other digital programs.
Government social programs introduced in the '60s by liberal Democratic politicians seduced black men into relying on 'programs' over God.
It is an honor to take the helm of 'Reliable Sources,' the very best of a very small number of programs about the media's role in society.
Americans never would alter the way entitlement programs are funded or education administered without serious study and widespread debate.
It's like tabloid news programs that talk about how horrible something is, while at the same time they're glorifying it as their top story.
Programs like ACE's Bootstrap Summer Camp teach our kids important computer coding skills that will allow them to design their own futures.
The anti-New Deal line is wrong as a matter of economics. F.D.R.'s spending programs did help the economy and created millions of new jobs.
Obama behaves like a centrist who leans tentatively left on certain social programs but boldly right on military force and civil liberties.
My work in the theater began to shift more towards young audience type of work and education programs for children, arts education programs.