The only reason I'm an actor is that a lady pulled out of a parking space in front of a producer's office.

I do not need a producer. I need only a good production manager. I need only a man who will give me money.

I never, my producer never, we never let myself just sing. We were always trying to get the perfect vocal.

Most of the greatest albums in the history of music are one producer. It's just a fact. Or one collective.

Every man is a consumer, and ought to be a producer. He is by constitution expensive, and needs to be rich.

I don't want to be labeled as a certain style producer; I just want to be producer and musician in general.

I got out of high school, bought a recording studio and started operating it as an engineer and a producer.

I got started as a producer first, but really, I feel my beats had more life than anyone could rap on them.

Drake is a lyrical genius, and he's great with melodies, and Pharrell is an amazing producer and songwriter.

January, month of empty pockets! let us endure this evil month, anxious as a theatrical producer's forehead.

Sometimes there's something that a writer doesn't see or a producer doesn't see when he's looking at a shot.

I've always been an independent producer. I'd kind of like to be hired help for a change. I don't mind that.

As a producer, it's your job to bang on the table and convince studio heads why great movies should be made.

I can only go with my gut and say what I would like to do, and then my producer comes in and makes it happen.

I want to be a director, producer, and a writer. And an actor. So, like, all the things in acting, basically.

My dad always, he helped me by not helping me. He always said, being a producer, it was all about conviction.

The problem is that to be a producer, one must be a gambler, and the greatest French producers were gamblers.

I became producer so that I could work with persons like him and to rock the world of Hong Kong Cinema a bit.

The people on 'Quintuplets' were great, but I wasn't a producer on that show, and it wasn't exactly my taste.

So I became a producer because I knew one of the reasons was they didn't do them the way I thought was right.

Producing all my own songs and refusing to go to the hot producer. That's the biggest risk I've taken so far.

I guess if I'd have more of a producer attitude, maybe I'd sell more records. But I'm basically a songwriter.

I need to help people to create the best work that they can. It's just something a producer should do anyway.

I had completely changed from being a mixtape DJ to being a producer and working with Nas and stuff like that.

We were the victims of the new producer but what annoyed me was they told the press we were leaving before us.

We're a unique band, so why have a generic producer lumping you in a box with other bands that sound the same?

Eventually one day I want to direct, but as of right now my next cap that I'm looking for is the producer cap.

I get on really well with Jake Gosling, who is a great producer, and I have written a song with Fraser T Smith.

I see myself maybe being, like, a movie producer or screenwriter or a novelist or a scientist or mathematician.

If you got a vibe with a producer I think you should go full-fledged instead of being satisfied with two songs.

The VCR is to the American film producer and the American public as the Boston Strangler is to the woman alone.

It doesn't matter how many records you've made; there's always a new experience you can get with a new producer.

Got two kids; one's a record producer who lives just up the road from me - great guitarist and piano player, too.

I'm not a full-fledged producer, but I can be one if I want to really spend my time on straight being a producer.

I have made my mark as an actor and I have also established myself as a producer with a franchise like 'Dabangg.'

And I may often question choices I make as a producer. But I've never questioned the choices I make as a director.

As a producer, you're there from the inception of the concept to the delivery of it. It just takes so much energy.

With our producer, Greg Fidelman, it was really a joy to work with him and to try different things and experiment.

It's understanding the intention of a composer that allows a producer and an arranger to make those moments speak.

Like a lot of people, I sold my first script in graduate school at UCLA, a 'Joan of Arc' for producer Joel Silver.

I realized you can be the dopest producer technically, but if the songs don't give you emotion, it doesn't matter.

If the packaging is good - the actors, director and producer - then it will work, even if the product is not good.

Everyone wants to work with the big new producer or the hot new singer. The key is to find them before they're hot.

'Studio 60' was a magical experience, as I directed six episodes, was a series regular and a producer... Dream job.

Being a consumer of conservative news sites as well as a producer of one, I felt like Drudge's site abandoned that.

I am a perfectionist and the only reason why I started producing is because I didn't want to argue with a producer.

Thanks to the abundance of shellfish in Puget Sound, Washington State is the largest oyster producer in the country.

I'm just trying to tell a nice story. Whether you're a writer or a producer, all you want to do is tell a good yarn.

During the late '50s, I had worked on the script of Ben-Hur in an office next to that of the producer Sam Zimbalist.

On my first movie, there were three women: the body-makeup girl, the hairdresser, and the secretary of the producer.

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