What happens is that with difficult processes on a film, they get very intensely compressed because a clock is ticking.

A lot of multinationals have long, drawn-out processes and are pretty useless at putting products on the shelves quickly.

Democracy is about non-arbitrary decisions. Democracy is about spreading decisions; it is not about destroying processes.

One of the processes of your life is to constantly break down that inferiority, to constantly reaffirm that I Am Somebody.

Imagery is not past but present. It rests with what we call our mental processes to place these images in a temporal order.

I mean, we're - if I may say so - we're experts at using materials and processes in ways for which they were never intended.

Pluto is showing us a diversity of landforms and complexity of processes that rival anything we've seen in the solar system.

Cheerleading was my way in. It was one of the most rigorous audition processes ever. It definitely groomed me for Hollywood.

I love to read profiles about people, but I'm interested in their processes. I only ever do them for newspapers that I love.

Bringing in timely laws that are the need of the hour requires nimbleness to get through the necessary legislative processes.

Every description of natural processes must be based on ideas which have been introduced and defined by the classical theory.

There's no way my body can be fixed, but what we can hope to do is keep all the deteriorative processes as minimal as possible.

When I was not doing well, I was just focussing on my processes. And when I am doing well, I am still focussing on my processes.

With the Google Brain project, we made the decision to build deep learning processes on top of Google's existing infrastructure.

Middle Eastern cuisine has the same depth of ingredients and processes as other cuisines. They just haven't had as much exposure.

The processes of teaching the child that everything cannot be as he wills it are apt to be painful both to him and to his teacher.

We did a year of Uber in San Francisco before we went to a second city. You get those processes down, then you really get started.

A structured design approach can heighten the hit rate in the fuzzy front end of innovation processes in public and private sectors.

The politicians in this world... have at their command weapons of mass destruction far more complex than their own thinking processes.

It's useful to think of the imagination as an aspect of the body because it seems to have processes of its own that are obscure to us.

What I appreciate about WP is that they have very clear processes for candidacy and membership. There is no fast track or parachuting.

Going through processes as a team and getting better each and every night, that's what you do it for - to eventually win games as a group.

Our main funders... a lot of them are entrepreneurs and technologists themselves as well and familiar with iterative development processes.

I would welcome processes that eliminate the need for doctors. We bottle-neck things around doctors, and it's not a good way of doing things.

The possessors of wealth can scarcely be indifferent to processes which, nearly or remotely have been the fertile source of their possessions.

Processes break in two ways. They break because they don't have the right checks and balances and because they don't have the right execution.

I believe the processes of good governance have gone astray. Specifically there is an erosion of transparency, independence and accountability.

There is no 'stop' - there's always 'go' on both sides: always keep writing, always keep recording. I don't find them to be segmented processes.

Most of the solar system resides beyond the orbits of the asteroids. There is more to learn there about general planetary processes than on Mars.

The environmental movement, like all political processes, reacts best to disasters. But these are very slow, very gradual disasters in the making.

We need a self because the complexity of the chemical processes that make up our individual humanities exceeds the processing power of our brains.

In Psychology we deal with minds and their processes, and leave out of account as far as possible the objects that we get to know by means of them.

I think we all have to ask ourselves, as leaders, do we have the right processes in place for complaints to be filed and for people to feel protected?

I did a lot of theater as a young actor in my early twenties, and my first few records really came from writing songs through the rehearsal processes.

I'm drawn to the taboos that surround the human body. I find it fascinating that we are repelled by many of the acts and processes that keep us alive.

In the auto industry, I spent years perfecting processes. Now, the successes and failures don't get the kind of publicity obviously NFL football does.

While introducing AI into the government will save money through optimizing processes, it should also be deployed to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse.

Behold, at this hour our moral history is being preserved for eternity. Processes are at work which will perpetuate our every act and word and thought.

I used to have to pick up the phone and talk to people who placed orders for the car. When you reach a certain size, you need to have processes in place.

Too much detail can bog down any story. Enough with the history of gunpowder, the geology of Hawaii, the processes of whaling, and cactus and tumbleweed.

Evolution, climate change, and the construction of the physical universe down to its atoms are processes that we measure in millions or billions of years.

But as population became denser, the natural chemical and biological recycling processes became overloaded, calling for a redefinition of property rights.

This field is not necessarily glamorous, nor does it often produce immediate results, but it seeks to increase our basic understanding of living processes.

To conquer nature is, in effect, to remove all natural barriers and human norms and to substitute artificial, fabricated equivalents for natural processes.

My view is that innovation has declined in the everyday processes that businesses tinker with incrementally as they try to become more productive over time.

At the lowest cognitive level, they are processes of experiencing, or, to speak more generally, processes of intuiting that grasp the object in the original.

Creative processes are always very opaque. Afterwards, you tend to pretend that everything was planned and it was a strategy, but it was not like that at all.

However the Southern man may have been master of the negro, there were compensatory processes whereby certain negroes were masters of their masters' children.

Meditation is really letting go of all the thought processes or 'mind traffic' that gets in the way of just whatever is between you and space and consciousness.

The results of ethnic psychology constitute, at the same time, our chief source of information regarding the general psychology of the complex mental processes.

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