I'm pro-life, in the sense that chaos seems like life to me and order seems like death.

We fed the public a line of deceit, dishonesty, a fabrication of statistics and figures.

Let me be clear: since I am pro-life, I do not support the mission of Planned Parenthood.

I'm proud of the fact that the Republican Party is the pro-life party on the issue of life.

For decades, the pro-life movement has focused on scientific evidence and ethical arguments.

To say that I am pro life is just wrong. I am personally pro-choice and legislatively pro-choice.

We, the people, still believe that every citizen deserves a basic measure of security and dignity.

I'm strongly into the Bible; I'm strongly into God and religion.I'm pro-life and different things.

Primaries are a family fight. I'm a pro-free enterprise, pro-Second Amendment, pro-life Republican.

I have never known a woman who, after her baby was born, was not overjoyed that I had not killed it.

If its platform is any guide, the Republican party is staunchly pro-life until you are actually born.

It is well known that I am pro-life... but I would not seek to impose my views on the Canadian people.

In modern Britain the most dangerous place to be is in your mother's womb. It should be a place of sanctity.

I have met thousands and thousands of pro-choice men and women. I have never met anyone who is pro-abortion.

I'm the only pro-life woman in the Senate. I take this issue very seriously. I'm the mother of two children.

Today we continue a never ending journey to bridge the meaning of those words with the realities of our time.

We, the people, still believe that our obligations as Americans are not just to ourselves, but to all posterity.

It's impossible to imagine the Democratic Party seeking a pro-life, free-trading, non-protectionist deficit hawk.

Each child is sent into this world by God with a "Unique Message" to deliver, a new personal act of love to bestow

I am pro-life, and I will be appointing pro-life judges, I would think that that will go back to the individual states.

I'm grateful to Donald Trump's pro-life views, and I'm grateful that he's expressed those views so publicly and openly.

This fertilized ovum, known as a zygote, is a large diploid cell that is the beginning, or primordium, of a human being.

We must remember that life begins at home and we must also remember that the future of humanity passes through the family

I dream ...of a world where we can commit our social resources to the development of human life and not to its destruction

Every life is different; being pro-life is not only about saving the fetus, being pro-life is about all the stages of life.

Our journey is not complete until all our children... know that they are cared for and cherished and always safe from harm.

I am pro-life, I believe in exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother. That's my position, take it or leave it.

When I was a kid I went to Catholic school, and they used to drag us out to pro-life rallies and stuff full of crazy people.

Every child that isn't born, but is unjustly condemned to be aborted, has the face of Jesus Christ, has the face of the Lord.

Abortion can never be safe. Any procedure where "success" means the killing of another human being can certainly not be safe.

If people want to change the law, they should vote so that we can appoint pro-life judges. I believe the law should be changed.

Defend the unborn against abortion even if they persecute you, calumniate you, set traps for you, take you to court or kill you.

Pro-life feminists believe in women and their ability. Pro-choice feminists only see women as weak and something to be exploited.

Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State.

For we, the people, understand that our country cannot succeed when a shrinking few do very well and a growing many barely make it.

Liberty University is pro-life and believes that marriage between one man and one woman provides the best environment for children.

Voters never have to question where I stand - my principles or priorities. I am a pro-freedom, pro-America and pro-life conservative.

Together we resolve that a great nation must care for the vulnerable and protect its people from life's worst hazards and misfortune.

As you know, it's so important that we always embrace the sanctity of life. One way to do that is to vote pro-life in every election.

If you're so pro-life, do me a favour: don't lock arms and block medical clinics. If you're so pro-life, lock arms and block cemeteries.

I have worked for three decades as a staunch advocate of building a big tent party that includes both pro-choice and pro-life Republicans.

I consider myself pro-life, as I accept that the unborn is a human life with rights, and I do not support abortion on request or on demand.

You know, don't tell anybody I'm a jail bird, you know, but there were a bunch of us that were years ago involved in the pro-life movement.

I have worked for three decades as a staunch advocate of building a 'big tent' party that includes both pro-choice and pro-life Republicans.

The Republicans have long had a platform of being pro-life. And I'm someone that believes life begins at conception and should be protected.

The right to life does not depend, and must not be declared to be contingent, on the pleasure of anyone else, not even a parent or sovereign.

I am pro-life, I believe human life begins at conception. I also believe that embryonic stem cell research should be encouraged and supported.

Human life must always be defended from its beginning in the womb and must be recognised as a gift of God that guarantees the future of humanity.

I'm pro-life. I'll do all I can to see every baby is created with a future and potential. The legislature should do all it can to protect human life.

Thirty-two years after the legalization of abortion by the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade, the majority of Americans consider themselves pro-life.

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