But it's customary to present a little proof before you take the privilege.

Freedom is not constituted primarily of privileges but of responsibilities.

A lofty sense of independence is, in man, the best privilege of his nature.

Part of the privilege of being an actor is the people you get to work with.

It's a privilege for us, Portugal, to have a player like Cristiano Ronaldo.

Every institution goes through three stages - utility, privilege, and abuse.

Coding is a privilege, but that privilege is not available to most Americans.

We have inherited new difficulties because we have inherited more privileges.

One of the privileges of the great is to witness catastrophes from a terrace.

It is the privilege of those who fear love to murder those who do not fear it!

Getting to fight at the AT&T Stadium is a huge privilege for me and my career.

Flying in space is a privilege, whether it's the first time or the fourth time.

Punishment also includes judgmental labeling and the withholding of privileges.

I love my job and I think my job is hard, but also, my job is such a privilege.

Serving in the United States Senate has been the greatest privilege of my life.

The leader sees leadership as responsibility rather than as rank and privilege.

God has judged me all my life. But that is God's privilege, my lady. Not yours.

Politics is the business of getting power and privilege without possessing merit

Charming Alnaschar visions! it is the happy privilege of youth to construct you.

Liberty is not merely a privilege to be conferred; it is a habit to be acquired.

Under the privilege of the First Amendment many, many ridiculous things are said.

The luxury to disparage freedom is the privilege of those who already possess it.

There can be no greater privilege in life than to be chosen to lead your country.

I love people for giving me their time. It's a privilege - I make the most of it.

The privilege of absurdity; to which no living creature is subject, but man only.

I enjoy the time passing. I think it's a privilege to be in friendship with time.

Women have the same privileges and opportunities as men, given the New Testament.

It was a privilege to pray with Governor Romney - for his family and our country.

If you want a day free of work, you must expect others to have the same privilege.

Only when we recognise our privilege, we will be able to make a change for others.

At Learning's fountain it is sweet to drink, But 'tis a nobler privilege to think.

For truth itself has not the privilege to be spoken at all times and in all sorts.

Tis the privilege of friendship to talk nonsense, and have her nonsense respected.

It is the privilege of the gods to want nothing, and of godlike men to want little.

Thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit.

Like environmentalists, politicians generally privilege flora and fauna over folks.

Every day, I love what I do and I think it's a gift and privilege to love your job.

The greatest privilege God gives to you is the freedom to approach Him at any time.

It has been an incredible honour and privilege to serve Ontarians as their premier.

I get very homesick, but otherwise it's a great privilege to get to travel for work.

That part of your friend which it is your privilege to contemplate in your adversity

Life itself is a privilege, but to live life to the fullest- well, that is a choice.

I feel profoundly blessed. I feel it's a great privilege to make any motion picture.

To have [Adam's Cohen] microscopic attention to my work was really a great privilege.

The land-relation is still strictly economic, entailing privileges but not obligations

This may be invading her privacy but I was Death, dammit. I should get some privileges

It is the business of the very few to be independent; it is a privilege of the strong.

Employee engagement is an investment we make for the privilege of staying in business.

It is the province of knowledge to speak, and it is the privilege of wisdom to listen.

The privilege of feeling at home everywhere belongs only to kings, wolves and robbers.

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