We need to privatize whenever possible.

I never sought to privatize Social Security.

I oppose the president's plan to privatize Social Security.

Once you privatize something, it becomes a for-profit business.

Contrary to what many secularists allege, the Constitution and Bill of Rights did not 'privatize' religion and quarantine it from the public square.

History suggests that attempts to privatize Medicare by relying on private companies to offer Medicare benefits in rural America simply will not work.

We're the party that has fought for Medicare. We're the party that has fought for Social Security. The Republicans have tried to privatize Social Security and voucherize Medicare.

They ought to be focused on saving healthcare. They ought to be focused on making sure we don't privatize Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. That's where the Democrats ought to be.

Of course the Republicans have long wanted to privatize Social Security and destroy it. But Social Security has been the most important and valuable social program in the history of the United States.

There are very powerful and wealthy special interests who want to privatize or dismember virtually every function that government now performs, whether it is Social Security, Medicare, public education or the Postal Service.

A tremendous amount of the entrepreneurial initiative, if you want to call it that, comes from the dynamic state sector on which most of the economy relies to socialize costs and risks and privatize eventual profit. And that's achieved by, if you like, advertising.

However, the Administration's plan to privatize Social Security will undermine retirement security for all Americans by cutting guaranteed benefits by more than 40 percent, and risky private accounts won't make up for the loss of benefits for millions of Americans.

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