I'd like to have a boyfriend in prison so I'd always know where he is.

Prison Break really changed me to somebody that can put butts in seats.

Indians don't last in prison. They weren't born for it like the whites.

The prison, above all others, should be the most human of institutions.

We're all in prison. All of us are in prison, but some of us have a key.

Men in prison are "civilly dead" and have no claim to any say in policy.

It doesn't help to fight crime to put people in prison who are innocent.

as soon as you know you are in prison, you have a possibility to escape.

Two men look out the same prison bars; one sees mud and the other stars.

The percentage of Americans in the prison system, has doubled since 1985.

I died in 1960 from a prison sentence and poetry brought me back to life.

'Prison Break' really changed me to somebody that can put butts in seats.

Casting directors now just see me as the hard-core sniper or prison guard.

There is no greater punishment than that of being abandoned to one's self.

'Prison Break' on Netflix has generated a whole new generation of viewers.

The short fortune-teller who escaped from prison: a small medium at large.

Thank God I have music to vent my emotions. I'd be in a prison if I didn't.

Only to those who have been in prison does freedom have such great meaning.

I wrote, exercised, ate healthy, and responded to life in prison very well.

Go out and do something. It isn’t your room that’s a prison, it’s yourself.

Prisons are hate factories, Pastor, and society wants more and more of them.

Do not reveal, if liberty is precious to you; my face is the prison of love.

By noiselessly going to a prison a civil-resister ensures a calm atmosphere.

When you're in prison, you can't do anything about what's happening outside.

Prison for the crime of puberty -- that was how secondary school had seemed.

First of all, I didn't suggest that we should simply get rid of all prisons.

The only time you can be completely free from risk is when you're in prison.

I would like to say prison life at its very best and worst infinitely sucks.

Most crimes are sanctioned in some form or other when they take grand names.

Anytime you have a family member getting out of prison, there's always drama.

Building prisons to fight crime is like building cemeteries to fight disease.

I prefer a prison full of criminals than a graveyard full of innocent people.

When I first went to prison, I was even questioning where, God, where are you?

Prison's a walk in the park compared with being sectioned, mate, it really is.

Prison make you a better judge of character. You pick up on people much faster.

If we try to 'protect ourselves', our nation-states begin to look like prisons.

Ill husbandry lieth In prison for debt: Good husbandry spieth Where profit get.

There are many more serial killers living outside the prison walls than inside.

If every crime victim had to have perfect judgment, we could empty our prisons.

That's all the freedom we canhope for - the freedom to choose our prison. [...]

Crime is not punished as an offense against God, but as prejudicial to society.

Prison is a recruitment center for the army of crime. That is what it achieves.

God keepe me from foure houses, an Vsurers, a Taverne, a Spittle, and a Prison.

We made it,' he shouted. 'Not bad for a prison break, eh?' 'Good thinking Jake.

When policemen go to prison in England, they have as bad a time as a pedophile.

Eventually, there will not be enough prisons if there are not enough good homes.

The guilty is he who meditates a crime; the punishment is his who lays the plot.

The angel fetched Peter out of prison, but it was prayer that fetched the angel.

Why, when God's world is so big, did you fall asleep in a prison, of all places?

I've spent a lot of time in prisons, first doing legal work and later, teaching.

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