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You know, Prime Minister Trudeau's got me. His work with First Nations. He's got everybody. He's going to take us where we need to go.
I completely believe in the leadership and vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and it is because of this that I have joined the BJP.
I believe that Prime Minister Modi will respond positively to development projects for backward areas. That is why I am promising them.
I'm the prime minister who removed 400 checkpoints, barriers, road-blocks and so on to facilitate the growth of the Palestinian economy.
My first real experience of ambition was as party leader. It was my ambition for Labour to win, in which event I would be prime minister.
When the president and the prime minister decide to implement reforms, they have all the measures they need to pass them and enforce them.
I am sick and tired of an administration that treats Raul Castro and Ayatollah Khamenei better than it treats the prime minister of Israel.
I would like to thank my colleagues for voting a Social Democrat prime minister and to assure them I will vote a liberal president, as well.
I want to make one thing clear: I am proud to be a citizen of a country in which a prime minister can be investigated like any other citizen.
It's a bit bold to go around saying, 'Prime Minister, if there's an opportunity I really want to be in this department,' but that's what I did.
Being a prime minister is a very demanding job. And as long as I have the strength, I will continue to do this and be of benefit to my country.
It is evident that not all people that have the confidence of the prime minister are the same ones that have the confidence of the head of state.
Rahul Gandhi cannot be a prime minister because he is a citizen of Britain, and his Indian citizenship will be cancelled; he won't even be an MP.
People are with our Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, with regard to the surgical strike on black money. They are not with the opposition parties.
Prime Minister Modi keeps challenging the system to keep performing better and better. He sets aggressive targets, and the whole system has to act.
The Israeli prime minister, whoever that person is, should have an open invitation to come to America to speak to Congress and the American people.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says nice words but he's really all about looking out for his rich and powerful friends, just like the Conservatives.
My old boss, former British prime minister David Cameron, thought Obama was one of the most narcissistic, self-absorbed people he'd ever dealt with.
I'd dress like RuPaul if I was prime minister. I'd have a lace front, waist cincher. I'd have padding on my hips. I'd be ruling the country in style.
The Prime Minister of India, at a meeting that I co-chaired a few months ago, stated that any development that is not sustainable is not development.
I'm proud to say that we are the party of Canada's first prime minister, the father of our federation, and the visionary who made this land possible.
You can't hope for a better result as a campaigner than to have the prime minister announce a major policy change within 48 hours of your documentary.
As prime minister of Iraq, I am required to act in accordance with the Constitution to protect all of the Iraqi people and to keep our country united.
Under the previous regime of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, I was detained. So was my wife, Serkalem Fasil. She gave birth to our son in prison in 2005.
My relationship with Modiji is exactly how the relationship between a Prime Minister and party president should be. It is a clean, healthy relationship.
I'm shorting two stocks in the U.K., but I've got a screen of about 50, and I might short all 50 if I think Jeremy Corbyn is going to be prime minister.
Who can keep the country safe? Who can make India a superpower? Can a coalition of 23 parties do so? Only Prime Minister Narendra Modi can achieve this.
I'd love to be everywhere but I can't. I have three children and a husband who is prime minister. I need help. I need a team to help me serve the people.
Those who believe that after I have left the government as prime minister, I will go into a permanent retirement, really should have their heads examined.
If a prime minister can suspend parliament to deliver a 'no deal' Brexit, what will the government try to do next with no democratic scrutiny or oversight?
From a personal perspective, I am so looking forward to my new role as a parent. But I am equally focused on my job and responsibilities as prime minister.
There is a heated debate in Turkey these days over whether the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is furthering democracy or rolling it back.
I would like to sound like James Mason. I reckon if I'd had a better voice I could have been prime minister. It is the most irritating voice in public life.
On the same day I was sworn in as Prime Minister of Canada, I announced the most sweeping reform ever undertaken in the structure of our federal government.
I am 73 years old. I was born in Jerusalem. I'm the first prime minister of Israel to be born here. I am the only former general to become a prime minister.
My main mission when I became Prime Minister, was to keep Singapore going and Singapore has been kept going. So, I'm happy with what I've done for Singapore.
Looking back now, I realise why, as prime minister of Malaysia, I was described as a dictator. There were many things I did which were typically dictatorial.
I don't think I have suffered for want of being a Cabinet minister. I don't have a Cabinet minister to whom I report. I report directly to the Prime Minister.
Fortunately, when Benazir Bhutto was prime minister, she banned public whipping of women - banned whipping of women, period, which is a marvelous thing she did.
Sure, sexism is not confined to the Conservatives. Harriet Harman has suggested that Gordon Brown didn't make her deputy prime minister because she was a woman.
In Kuwait there is already a real, elected parliament with genuine power, but the prime minister is always a member of the ruling al-Sabah family. That must end.
Ever since Modi became prime minister, he has given a free rein to his ministers and BJP functionaries to create an environment of communal tension and violence.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netyanahu made it real clear. They're willing to be generous on some other concessions but not on the border issue. And I don't blame him.
If you make a defamatory allegation that the Prime Minister is guilty of criminal misappropriation of pension funds of Singaporeans, that's a very serious matter.
Mrs Thatcher not only made history by becoming Britain's first female prime minister, she was the first woman to hold any comparable position in the western world.
In 1995 the whole political situation was very complicated. I was the first deputy prime minister, and at the same time I had very low influence in the government.
The whole of the situation of the Conservative Party today springs from that night when they dismissed the best prime minister the country had had since Churchill.
We would never accept a prime minister saying, 'Well, maybe I'll intervene and use a trade issue as a link to an independent investigation into criminal activity.'
When I was first named as Deputy Prime Minister, there was a feeling of shock that I should be chosen because I was labeled as being an ultra and very anti-Chinese.
In Yugoslavia, I'd asked for additional forces too. I even went to meet the French prime minister, and I proposed additional forces... Nobody wanted to send troops.