In e-commerce, your prices have to be better because the consumer has to take a leap of faith in your product.

The key to the generic-drug economic model is to keep entry prices low enough to attract multiple competitors.

Minimum sales prices for alcohol are a startlingly bad idea. As with excise duties, the effects are regressive.

Quite often the federal government purchases things at prices higher than individuals in the private marketplace.

If prices drop, we have to protect farmers from distress; if prices rise, we should be ready to pay market rates.

Have transfer prices in England surprised me? No. Are the prices over-inflated? Yes. But there is no surprise now.

As a doctor, my thing is, we need to have access to medications; we need to have reasonable prices for medications.

The Congress has tasked the Federal Reserve with achieving stable prices and maximum employment - the dual mandate.

We have seen a strong increase in oil prices and up to this year we see that the world has been able to absorb that.

I have no issue with raising minimum wage, but then the customer can't say to us, 'Why are you raising your prices?'

One of the reasons so many people get burned in the market is because they start buying as they see prices going up.

I found the stock market very intriguing because prices used to fluctuate, I used to wonder why the price fluctuates.

Increasingly prices are set by sellers to raise their prices without a loss of sales sufficient to wipe out the gain.

The reason gas prices are so high is because the oil is in Texas and Oklahoma and all the dipsticks are in Washington.

We need to draw up a regime where government can be an enabler for manufacturing to compete at good quality and prices.

It's the embrace of corn-based ethanol that has driven up all food prices. It's not making agriculture more sustainable.

Trump promised to bring back jobs. He promised to lower drug prices for so many Kentuckians. And that is very important.

We've got fuel prices coming down and good travel numbers coming out, so it's not surprising airline stocks are going up.

For people who live in the suburbs and must commute long distances to work, their wealth will sink as energy prices rise.

The prices are ridiculous... I don't see how people can go back and forth to work or to school. How can we afford the gas?

While millionaire Liberals like Justin Trudeau may want higher gas prices, hardworking Canadian families definitely do not.

Tragedy is one of the larger prices we pay for being alive. No one ever sidesteps tragedy. It is always there, shadowing us.

If there is one person in Nigeria that believes that petroleum prices should not go up by one naira, it is President Buhari.

The World Bank adjusts its poverty estimates for differences in prices across countries, but it ignores differences in needs.

Instead of begging OPEC to drop its oil prices, let's use American leadership and ingenuity to solve our own energy problems.

Buying a home wouldn't make much sense if house prices were likely to decline further; no one wants to catch a falling knife.

Let the market, not politicians, determine the flow of rice, oil and other commodities. Lower, more stable prices will ensue.

You can't have a regime which continuously subsidizes things; as inflation rises, you keep prices of certain things unchanged.

We are focused on Main Street, on supporting economic conditions - plentiful jobs and stable prices - that help all Americans.

TSG is competing with Middle East, East Asia and Europe in offering prices that are either lower or at par with these markets.

There are no issues more personal than prescription drugs and the high prices Americans must pay to get the medicine they need.

On a given day, you can have market fluctuations where prices fluctuate far more than the underlying economic value of the unit.

Americans understand that rising drug prices, wage stagnation and inadequate infrastructure affect everyone, regardless of race.

I love charity thrift stores. Amazing one-of-a-kind pieces at terrific prices, and all the money you spend goes to a good cause.

In 1999, Hoffmann-LaRoche paid a $500 million criminal fine for leading a worldwide conspiracy to fix prices for certain vitamins.

I feel sympathy for the working class lad. I've always championed about ticket prices and try to equate that to people's salaries.

Rising fuel prices, growing agrarian distress, and unemployment are the three major issues to dominate the 2019 general elections.

Big companies such as Google and Facebook buy startups at ridiculously high prices - not for their products, but for their people.

Speculation is only a word covering the making of money out of the manipulation of prices, instead of supplying goods and services.

Costco pays their workers good wages with benefits while selling good products at competitive prices and remaining quite profitable.

The two questions that anyone ever asks me are: 'Are house prices going to go down?' and 'Is it a good time to fix my mortgage rate?'

All Americans must have access to the Internet in today's digital world, and the market needs competition to drive affordable prices.

Prices don't merely reflect what people think things ought to cost today; they also reflect what people expect items to cost tomorrow.

If we continue to print new paychecks at the rate we've been adding them, that mitigates a lot of the damage of higher gasoline prices.

In reality there is no such thing as an inflation of prices, relatively to gold. There is such a thing as a depreciated paper currency.

Proposing direct discounts at the pharmacy counter is just part of the Trump agenda for fairer, more transparent prices in health care.

Ultimately, the bread and butter of McDonald's is delivering great service, great quality food, at affordable prices day in and day out.

We want the best prices we can give our customers, with all our products... But it really is about the quality first and the experience.

I don't think anyone can speculate what will happen with respect to oil prices and gas prices because they are set on the global economy.

Since World War II, inflation - the apparently inexorable rise in the prices of goods and services - has been the bane of central bankers.

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