I could almost say it is my religion. I guess that sounds pretentious, but I want to live and breathe cinema.

Sunglasses are great, but I always feel a bit pretentious wearing sunglasses. I mean, I do love to wear them.

I don't want to get pretentious, but there's an art to doing sitcoms; you have to make it work in that format.

Well, first of all it's entertainment. That stops us becoming too pretentious or thinking we're great artists.

No one would argue against the fact that L.A. leads the country in opportunities for being hip and pretentious.

She's French, so she's teaching them French, and their previous nanny was Spanish, so they're fluent in Spanish.

I was a pretentious child. I grew up without a television. I read a lot of books and I loved Shakespeare. Still do.

When I was in college, I was a semiotics major, which is this hopelessly pretentious body of French literary theory.

My first show was 'No Exit.' You couldn't find a more pretentious beginning, but it also instilled some sense of quality.

I am kind of a curmudgeonly person, so I don't gravitate to groups or traditions, which is probably just pretentious of me.

I'm not trying to sound pretentious, but we did sell 12 million records on the first album, so we did get paid a little bit.

Getting up to dance to your own stuff looks pretty pretentious. And leaving the dancefloor when it comes on is just awkward.

I never called myself a writer because it seemed so pretentious - a writer was what somebody else called you, a title bestowed.

We're human beings and the sun is the sun - how can it be bad for you? I don't think anything that's natural can be bad for you.

A worldly actor is a better actor. It sounds pretentious, but I think having these experiences can translate back into your work.

It takes a while for a photograph to mature. That sounds really pretentious, but it takes a time for it to go from here to there.

This is going to sound pretentious, but I like comedy that addresses something I find either worrisome or interesting in my life.

America is supposed to be given over to ugliness. There are a good many ugly things there and the ugliest are the most pretentious.

I went to university in Colorado and studied art history. I did some photography classes there, although it felt really pretentious.

Who names themselves 'The Situation?' I do not take myself seriously like that - not in the least bit - that would be so pretentious.

Can it really be said that before the day of our pretentious science, humanity was composed solely of imbeciles and the superstitious?

I'm not going to be pretentious and two-faced to get a good review. But that's the kind of thing which gets you a rep in this business.

Titles always sound so pretentious, and when I see a comedian, I just want the person to take flight, not stick to one topic or subject.

Without sounding pretentious, it's nice to always be surrounded by creative people who inspire me and keep my levels of creativity charged.

The same people that always think I'm pretentious will think I'm pretentious, and the people who relate to me will continue to relate to me.

Alan Rickman, who was mentored me a lot. He was very keen to offer his opinions on stuff. Not in a pretentious way. Not in a patronizing way.

I'd love to have a 19th Century Russian book club where all the members had to act like the pretentious minor noblemen they were reading about.

I always feel so pretentious talking about comedy and deconstructing it. It always feels somehow self-centred to talk about any sort of process.

I love driving at Monaco but the rest of it, well, I can absolutely take it or leave it. It's extremely pretentious and really not my cup of tea.

I think energy is the most important thing that we can give to people as performers. Anything else is a little bit pretentious. But energy is not.

Call it my little gesture toward social conscience, but I like to think I'm teaching a certain number of people to read. Now that sounds pretentious!

I'm so tired of this vision of fashion of a diva with a big ego, and you think of big dark glasses to be pretentious and keep far away from the people.

Sometimes with pop music, you have to see it to love it. With soul music, it's sparse. There's nothing that's pretentious or planned. It's just so gutsy.

I listen to music because that's such a huge part of my process; not to sound super pretentious, but that's a big part of what helps me get in character.

I decided to dub the room with the good chairs my lutery. Or perhaps my performatory. I would need a while to come up with something suitably pretentious.

I kind of want to take the writer down a peg. I think there are a lot of pretentious writers in this business, which I am certainly one, in certain cases.

People need realness, reality. People can sense when someone is being pretentious or fake. It's because you feel it; you see it in someone's body language.

Musicians always come off sounding a little bit pretentious, and a little bit... I don't know, hypocritical, from what they do, talking about strong issues.

Japanese people accept that art and commerce will be blended; and, in fact, they are surprised by the rigid and pretentious Western hierarchy of 'high art.'

To say you want to be a director is to risk sounding obnoxious, pretentious, arrogant, and I think women are more fearful of sounding that way than men are.

A more complex - but only slightly more original - way to feel out of it is available at the hip and pretentious nightclubs and bars along the Sunset Strip.

There's a side that I want to do just like really retarded arty films like parody, pretentious art films that kind of are supposed to have some deep meaning.

I write - though perhaps it sounds pretentious to say so - to make a clearing in the wilderness, to find out what I care about and what exactly to make of it.

Sometimes people think that I'm maybe pretentious or just weird, a fraud, or fake, because I have a formal education and speak properly and give people respect.

You can't be pretentious about what we do, because at the end of the day, movies are about entertainment, and if people get 10 dollars' worth, then that's okay.

I used the word 'prose' in the Trans-Siberian in the early Latin sense of prosa dictu. Poem seemed to me too pretentious, too narrow. Prose is more open, popular.

When I was growing up, I was the most pretentious person I have ever met. I only read obscure books and watched obscure movies and only listened to obscure music.

I'd like to think I'm not quite so pretentious as to think my characters go off and live their lives once I've written the final page and switched the computer off.

I don't want to sound pretentious, but you could hire a bunch of monkeys to be on a TV show, and if it's successful, then everything's perfect and everybody's happy.

What passed for society was a loud, giddy whirl of thieves and pretentious hustlers, a dull sideshow full of quacks and clowns and philistines with gimp mentalities.

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