Wow. I am really pretentious.

I never want to be pretentious.

You live for pretentious metaphors.

I was a really pretentious teenager.

I don't deal in pretentious kids' parties.

You are only pretentious if you are not sincere.

I must have been a really pretentious little girl.

I hate people thinking I'm some pretentious fraud.

What I don't like are pompous, pretentious movies.

I don't wanna sound pretentious talking about myself.

I don't like pretentious films or pretentious people.

I am hard to disgust, but a pretentious poet can do it

I was a pretty pretentious kid. I was always making art.

Yes, of course we were pretentious -- what else is youth for?

Don't call me a journalist; I hate the word. It's pretentious!

What I'm bringing to the pop table is that I'm not pretentious.

I made a choice that I was not going to be a pretentious writer.

Certainly, anybody who says, "in the eyes of God," is pretentious.

The truth is so simple that it is regarded as a pretentious banality.

It felt like a pretentious fantasy to say, 'I want to be an actress.'

The older I got, the less pretentious I got in my art tastes and work.

Anyone without a sense of humor is too pretentious to be a good magician.

I like being photographed without glasses. I don't want to be pretentious.

Instead of sounding pretentious, phony, or repetitive, I'd rather not speak.

I must have been a very strange child. I was very pretentious. Like Adrian Mole.

Films are always pretentious. There's nothing more pretentious than a filmmaker.

In England you're skewered on the altar of pop culture if you become pretentious.

[Depp] has real ambitions, but he is deeply afraid of being considered pretentious.

Our business is infested with idiots who try to impress by using pretentious jargon.

I have a dread of sounding pretentious and try not to talk too much about what I do.

I meditate - very pretentious - and I try to read as much as I can and swim at the Y.

I think it's pretentious to create art just for the sake of stroking the artists ego.

It's not my personality to brag in any way or be pretentious. It's just not my nature.

I'm a concert pianist, that's a pretentious way of saying I'm unemployed at the moment.

It sounds a bit pretentious, but I'm never really conscious of what I'm doing musically.

I used to be a pretentious little jerk, running around saying 'I'm going to be an awktor.'

The worst thing for a filmmaker is for a film to be labeled as pretentious or heavy-handed.

I am a big theater fan. It's mostly just being pretentious, I think, and trying to look smart.

My secret dream is to write an epic poem. That's probably the most pretentious thing I've said.

I felt that the Star Wars series became very pretentious as time went on. Just heavy and leaden.

I was really pretentious in a sense and was like, 'I'm going to drama school to learn the craft.'

If I were pretentious I would say that I'm not an average person. But really, I know how that is.

No one wants to be pretentious about what they do or take it seriously, because that is just weird.

I find a lot of young filmmakers make too much of an effort to be trendy and they can be pretentious.

I don't want to sound pretentious, but I love art, I like to go to museums, and I like to read books.

Without sounding too pretentious, I feel my job is almost like becoming a monk or a nun - it's a calling.

I want to paint. That is probably going to sound so pretentious coming from someone who's been a musician.

I grew up kind of poor, so like, I know it sounds pretentious, but I don't really know how to spend money.

If anyone stops us, as long as we mumble something pretentious about the glory of death, we should be fine.

This sounds horribly pretentious, but I like to think that if music hadn't existed, I could have invented it.

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