The president of Iran should remember that Iran can also be wiped off the map.

As President, I would work toward international creation of a new world order.

I don't regret my votes for President Obama by any stretch of the imagination.

We will also never bring up the permanent tax cut the president is advocating.

This president failed so miserably in diplomacy that we are now forced to war.

I'm not the poorest president. The poorest is the one who needs a lot to live.

The thought of being President frightens me and I do not think I want the job.

I am a President held prisoner, that I haven't resigned and I will not resign.

The President Donald Trump has great difficulty with the truth on many issues.

I'm looking for a president that'll be like a Ronald Reagan to a Jimmy Carter.

You know, for one glorious half hour, I was the mother of the president-elect.

So long as I'm the president, my measure of success is victory -- and success.

I am a president who also gives pardons. Usually my considerations are humane.

I am honored to be here as co-chair of President Obama's re-election campaign.

President Obama is a president so weak that he makes Jimmy Carter look strong.

[Barack] Obama is in incompetent, as a president, he's about as bad as it gets.

Jimmy Carter will go down in American history as 'the president who lost Iran,'

This economy is not getting better and the president's policies are the reason.

President Obama is in China. Today he visited the kids who make our cellphones.

I'm President of the United States, and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli!

Imagine a libertarian president challenging Congress to repeal the PATRIOT Act.

Trump is the freely elected president of the U.S. and as such deserves respect.

President Obama seems to understand the Constitution as a 'set of suggestions.'

We've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the September 11th.

My candidacy is a compelling argument for my candidacy. I want to be President.

[Ronald]Reagan and[George W.] Bush were far more radical than other presidents.

I just want to assure you that both President Bush and I have very firm alibis.

Whether the Constitution allows indictment of a sitting president is debatable.

Everybody's talking about the President, we all chipped in for a bag of cement.

Hopefully with a woman President the double standard will slowly begin to wane.

But even the President of the United States sometimes must have to stand naked.

The President has been a big proponent of the public option since the campaign.

We did not have a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush's term.

I was a big fan of Ronald Reagan. He was the first president I got to vote for.

A president from a partner nation should not make comments on Italian politics.

We need a great president who can lead us through the great challenges we face.

President Obama and the congressional Democrats have certainly been responsive.

Being a politician is a poor profession. Being a public servant is a noble one.

I'm really excited about the prospect of a woman president of the United States.

The truth is that in my present life I don't remember that I ever was president.

I don't know how many people run for vice president and president and lose both.

President Obama has done more damage to America than any American has since 1776

Social Security is not in crisis. It's a crisis the president's created, period.

Every President reconstructs the Presidency to meet his own psychological needs.

Do I think faith will be an important part of being a good president? Yes, I do.

USC is the National Champion like Al Gore is the President of the United States.

If you look at where presidents come from, they're former governors or senators.

If the president does something dastardly, the impeachment process is available.

You got to have people at the top who respond to and are selected by presidents.

I don't care at all. I don't know the difference from one president to the next.

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