I preferred the simplest vocabulary.

I have always preferred satin sheets.

I preferred sewing to bossing little children.

I've always preferred being behind the camera.

I would've preferred to blossom earlier in life.

I've always preferred food be on the blander side.

I wasn't into jazz so much - I preferred things raw.

My own preferred fitness regime is to use my bicycle.

I support Medicare for all. It is my preferred policy.

The Left have always preferred the state to the family.

I'm liking my role as left-wing is my preferred position.

America slept because most Americans preferred it that way.

I preferred to study those subjects that were of interest to me.

I still draw a lot though. Ballpoint pen is my preferred medium.

I have always preferred the reflection of the life to life itself.

Although prepared for martyrdom, I preferred that it be postponed.

Growing up, I was the preferred hairstylist for all of my friends.

I don't really have preferred roles except those with some complexity.

Christ preferred the poor; ever since I have been converted so have I.

Probable impossibilities are to be preferred to improbable possibilities.

In doubtful cases the more liberal interpretation must always be preferred.

Apps have become a preferred way of accessing information on mobile devices.

Many transition states have a well-defined preferred geometrical requirement.

Nothing is as dangerous as an ignorant friend; a wise enemy is to be preferred.

I never really wanted to be a singer. I always preferred to be behind the camera.

From the very beginning I knew I had to be a comedian, and thus preferred being one.

I used to think that guys preferred tall women. But plenty of them like short girls.

I have always preferred conflict of individuals over the battle of extreme ideologies.

Making money from enforcing patents is no more wrong than investing in preferred stock.

I was an intimate sort of child who never spoke up in groups. I preferred close friends.

I could never understand the attraction of Bette Davis. I always preferred Jane Russell.

I've always preferred writing in longhand. I've always written first drafts in longhand.

I used to be a keen rider. Sometimes I could sense what a horse liked or preferred to do.

Whenever possible, organic produce, fish, poultry, eggs, and other products are preferred.

Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you'd have preferred to talk.

Up until 'Bridesmaids', the general consensus was that women preferred comedy a bit softer.

Constant, gentle pressure is my preferred technique for leadership, guidance, and coaching.

My preferred position has always been striker and I think I managed to show what I could do.

When I was sold from Real Madrid to Inter, I would have preferred to have remained in Spain.

I've written fiction for as long as I can remember; it's always been my preferred form of play.

Just as an audience member, I've always preferred dark things and very heavy, emotional things.

I used to say I preferred midfield because I enjoy trying to make goals, and scoring is a buzz.

From my own personal standpoint, I've always preferred my hair shorter because it's just easier.

Trent likes to record guitars direct, whereas I've always preferred playing through an amplifier.

Houses are built to live in, and not to look on: therefore let use be preferred before uniformity.

Sciences were not my favourite subjects at school. I preferred English, drama, music, and history.

Dad and mom would have preferred that I be a doctor, a lawyer, a scientist, or a great humanitarian.

I preferred delivering my performance in person. I liked to be in control. You couldn't be in films.

Winning Nobel imposed on me a lifestyle to which I am not used and which I would not have preferred.

We want to keep a preferred rate for capital gains - we think it is important to encourage investment.

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