It is through our prayers, through our acts of faith that God works in partnership with us.

Throughout my life, my prayers have actively sustained me - held me up, carried me through.

I desire an special interest in your prayers that my faith fail not in the day of adversity.

Those whose lives were lost on September 11 will remain in our thoughts and prayers forever.

My prayers are being answered for my career. These are prayers I've been praying for as a kid.

I am enormously susceptible to religious environments - the music, the liturgy and the prayers.

This is a horrific day in Boston. My thoughts and prayers are with those who have been injured.

To all my little Hulkamaniacs, say your prayers, take your vitamins and you will never go wrong.

Bernard always had a few prayers in the hall and some whiskey afterwards as he was rather pious.

As Juan Gabriel, music is my religion, and mariachi is my devotion. And my songs are my prayers.

It is good for us to keep some account of our prayers, that we may not unsay them in our practice.

I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.

I've never linked team selection to offering prayers, and reports suggesting otherwise are all wrong.

Make your goals big and broad enough so that they never become answered prayers and boomerang to curse you.

Bitterness and unforgiveness block the flow of God's blessing in your life and actually hinder your prayers.

Thank you to all for your prayers and good wishes. It gave me the strength to persevere and warmed my heart.

If I were dammed of body and soul, I know whose prayers would make me whole, mother o' mine o mother o' mine.

Not a lot of individuals get to refer to the Lord in their prayers as 'Dude', but he's doing a new thing with me.

Jewish prayers are mostly about daily things - the sliver of a new moon, dew on the grass, the bread and the wine.

So many people in my life need prayers, and I feel like I owe that to them. After all, in heaven, we feed each other.

I write quite a lot of sonnets, and I think of them almost as prayers: short and memorable, something you can recite.

For my workout, I'm up at 4 A.M. I say my prayers, count my blessings, and I work out right away. I just get it done.

There are thoughts which are prayers. There are moments when, whatever the posture of the body, the soul is on its knees.

The most meaningful and spiritual prayers I have experienced contained many expressions of thanks and few, if any, requests.

I am acutely aware that you have not elected me as your President by your ballots, so I ask you to confirm me with your prayers.

From America's schools, religion has been relentlessly purged. No prayers, no Bibles, no Christian symbols, no Ten Commandments.

If Truman hadn't published 'Answered Prayers' in parts, he'd have had the drive to finish it. The peacocks took it away from him.

The fact that the Lord can work and act even with insufficient means consoles me, and above all I entrust myself to your prayers.

By turning your eyes on God in meditation, your whole soul will be filled with God. Begin all your prayers in the presence of God.

I was playing garbage minutes the first two to three weeks. There was definitely a little bit of 'what's going on?' in my prayers.

I believe Ted Cruz is the candidate that's the answer to my prayers. A candidate whom God will use to restore the soul of America.

I try not to miss my prayers and the 30 fasts in Ramazan, but even if I do miss them due to my cricket, I make up for them later on.

If God listened to the prayers of men, all men would quickly have perished: for they are forever praying for evil against one another.

At school, I enjoyed playing the bassoon. I was in the orchestra and played the melody when the other boys sang hymns at prayers time.

Offering thoughts and prayers are a valuable way to let loved ones know you care, but no one should offer them at the expense of action.

I certainly know that I would not be able to survive if it were not for the fact that I am being upheld by the prayers of so many people.

Though it seems curious, I do not remember ever asking for anything but what I got it. And I always received it as an answer to my prayers.

Prayers were held in Assembly Hall. We all perched in rows on wooden benches while teachers sat up on the platform in armchairs, facing us.

'Go Tell It on the Mountain,' its pages heavy with sinners brought low and prayers groaning on the wind, scared me when I read it as a teenager.

Every day I wake up and I lay in bed counting my blessings and saying my prayers for how fortunate I am to have great fans and health and family.

I don't recite prayers as a blanket rule, but having said that, I do believe that prayers like The Our Father and Hail Mary are powerful prayers.

My method of praying does not meet the conventional standards as I don't recite any specific prayers but rather indulge in conversations with God.

I come from no country, from no city, no tribe. I am the son of the road... all tongues and all prayers belong to me. But I belong to none of them.

I never force myself to be devout except when I feel so inspired, and never compose hymns of prayers unless I feel within me real and true devotion.

My heart and prayers go out to all single moms because it's tough, and I can't imagine any teenager dealing with a baby and all those hormones raging.

It takes me forever to say my prayers these days, but I don't care, because this time around, I want to make sure God doesn't have to do any guesswork.

It could have been me. And just the hope and prayers that, you know, if, if the shoes were switched, that you know, Laci would do the same thing for me.

God the Father lives. He hears and answers our prayers in love. The Savior Jesus Christ, resurrected and glorious, lives and reaches out to us in mercy.

A God Jar is anything you wish it to be, in which you can put your wishes, dreams, problems, prayers. You may want to think of it as a spiritual mailbox.

Rahul Gandhi does not know Indian culture, so when he went to offer prayers at Kashi Vishwanath temple, he sat in a position as if he was offering namaaz.

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