Pray to God that your attachment to such transitory things as wealth, name, and creature comforts may become less and less every day.

No matter how much you pray or fast, our country cannot grow without some of us deciding to do the hard work that makes nations work.

You pray in your distress and in your need; would that you might also pray in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance.

I was just a normal teenager, going out with my friends, enjoying my time. I didn't really believe in anything, I didn't fast or pray.

I pray for forgiveness. For help and guidance. To be a better person. For the health of my family. For the world to be a better place.

I eat every two hours. I sleep for eight hours. I have lots of water. I pray to keep calm. Most importantly, I have a smile on my face.

Why don't we focus on what Afghan women can do? They can cook, bear children and pray. As I recall, that was fine for our grandmothers.

When I pray, I ask for guidance in my life to be the best person I can be, to learn what I need to learn, and to grow from what I learn.

We pray for this beloved country, Egypt, for God to protect her safety, security, stability; to protect her unity and more so, her image.

Recording - once something's done, it's done, there's not much you can do about it. It's out there and you just have to pray to the gods.

I'm not a perfect Muslim; I think none of us are perfect human beings. I do the five pillars of Islam, you know, I pray five times a day.

Sometimes I pray when I really feel like I need God to help me with something, and sometimes we just have conversations. We just kick it.

I do believe that Muslims and Christians and Jews pray to the same God. And yet they understand who God is in significantly different ways.

God is looking for people to use, and if you can get usable, he will wear you out. The most dangerous prayer you can pray is this: 'Use me.'

I pray with my whole soul that the divide-and-conquerers among us will not triumph over us. We need each other in this world so desperately.

I'm confident that if you do what's right, and you work hard and you pray a lot, no matter what it is, everything will just fall into place.

I ought to pray as much as God's on my mind, because then I'd pray a lot. All I can tell you is God is real, and so that infuses everything.

I've been very lucky and been able to work, as an actress, but I'm definitely a working actress. I get a script, I audition, and then I pray.

Prayer becomes more meaningful as we counsel with the Lord in all of our doings, as we express heartfelt gratitude, and as we pray for others.

Christians are commanded to pray in the name of Jesus. It is not a practice reserved just for personal prayers, or prayers rendered in church.

I think it's more important to pray for my son than go out with my friends drinking at a bar until midnight while he waits for me to come home.

I'm healthy as can be - not an ache or a pain. A lot of my prayer is thanking the Lord that I am healthy. I pray for long life and good health.

You've got to get out and pray to the sky to appreciate the sunshine; otherwise you're just a lizard standing there with the sun shining on you.

I pray to be like the ocean, with soft currents, maybe waves at times. More and more, I want the consistency rather than the highs and the lows.

There's days in training where everything flows and days in training where they don't. You just pray that doesn't happen the night of the fight.

Every day I'm trying to be more humble and how do you do that? I guess, every day, we have mass. Every day, I pray the rosary. That's what I do.

We do not pray to God to instruct Him as to what He should do; neither for a moment must we presume to dictate the method of the divine working.

I hope and pray that I'll be one of those fortunate people who have many, many books to write. I don't begrudge writing. I love the whole thing!

I am so infinitely happy that he loves me so much, and I pray that it will always be like this. It won't be my fault if he ever stops loving me.

I am a Christian. I haven't really talked about that before. It is something very private. But I do pray and my beliefs are very important to me.

Pray for me, I need happiness in life. It was a very tough decision to leave my husband and son and come away to Mumbai and start all over again.

My 'Book of Prayer' is the most important thing I carry. If I'm tense about something or need to pray for protection for my kids, it always helps.

Some people pray to a totem pole, some people pray to a sun, some people pray to a god. It all works for them. It all comes back to what you think.

If you want to pray at a town hall meeting or a school board meeting or in the halls of Congress, that ought to be acceptable in the United States.

I pray if I ever find out I have only about three minutes to live it's during a basketball game, because then I'll have, what, 10, 12 years to live?

Would I get into politics? I'll just say what I tell people when they ask me this: Pray that everyday citizens like me aren't pushed to that corner.

I pray all Americans who have seen and felt the meltdown of America with the Obama years, to please fight for Donald Trump. He will not let us down.

I can't think of a more pathetic situation for an actor than to do a film and not connect to it. And I pray to God that I never face that situation.

I don't like to fly. What's it called when the plane shakes? Turbulence, takeoffs... I grab my chair, close my eyes, count to 30, breathe, and pray.

If I wish to compose or write or pray or preach well, I must be angry. Then all the blood in my veins is stirred, and my understanding is sharpened.

When you face the perils of weariness, carelessness, and confusion, don't pray for an easier life. Pray instead to be a stronger man or woman of God.

I pray that wherever we are and whatever duties we have in the priesthood of God, we will be united in the cause to bring the gospel to all the world.

I am going to pray for Donald Trump. I'm going to pray that God gives him clarity, that God gives him the ability to impact people's lives positively.

I just hope and pray that I never get threatened by younger actresses coming up behind me. I hope I won't, but you never know what's going to hit you.

My mom, Nellie, got me a rosary at church. I don't use it to pray before a competition. I'll just pray normally to myself, but I have it there in case.

Last I checked, the album was #82 out of the top 200 on the Billboard charts thanks to you all. I pray that keeps moving up and with your help it will.

I always ask God to work through me and let me be a light of some kind and help in this world, so I always pray for that, and I always want to do good.

I began to pray those same fervent prayers, lying in bed at night, hoping to see a scroll unrolled from the ceiling with a message from God just for me.

Don't be discouraged if the answer to your prayer does not come immediately. Study, ponder, and pray, sincerely having faith, and live the commandments.

I don't think there's a shortage of material in the world. Or in my head. I just pray for continued good health, because I've got other stories to tell.

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