Once you believe in who you are and who you were born to be, it can be very powerful.

The four most powerful words in the English language - please, thanks, sorry and why.

We still think of a powerful man as a born leader and a powerful woman as an anomaly.

Tact is not a small thing; in the battle of life it is more powerful than a bludgeon.

Knowing what you can do at any given time to look and feel better is pretty powerful.

Forgiveness is the Most Powerful thing you can Do for Yourself on the Spiritual Path.

Love is probably the most powerful force in the cosmos, capable of creating miracles.

You have to know what is right for you and go after it regardless of what others say.

He didn't realize that love as powerful as your mother's for you leaves its own mark.

The artist should have a powerful will. He should be powerfully possessed by one idea

It is a truly powerful phenomenon when a brand makes a stand for what it believes in.

Consumer behaviour is a powerful realm from which to explore our biological heritage.

Mindfulness is so powerful that the fact that it comes out of Buddhism is irrelevant.

Body language and tone of voice - not words - are our most powerful assessment tools.

You can't make someone feel good about themselves until you feel good about yourself.

Genius is the power to labor better and more availably. Deserve thy genius: exalt it.

Shame is the most powerful, master emotion. It's the fear that we're not good enough.

Escape from boredom is one of the really powerful desires of almost all human beings.

There is nothing more powerful in the world than the human spirit and the human will.

You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.

Almost all the people who lived in Atlantis meditated and had powerful psychic skills.

Perfection of moral virtue does not wholly take away the passions, but regulates them.

I believe that prayer is our powerful contact with the greatest force in the universe.

It must be powerful language if you canna make oout what the heel it’s goin’ on aboot!

Laissez-faire is finished. The all-powerful market that always knows best is finished.

Actual space is intrinsically more powerful and specific than paint on a flat surface.

We all need lots of powerful long range goals to help us past the short-term obstacles

Whither, O god of wine, art thou hurrying me, whilst under thy all-powerful influence?

We love things that are dangerous yet sexy. We love things that are powerful and wise.

One of the most powerful forces in human nature is our belief that change is possible.

I just think it looks so cool when a woman has a dirty martini. She looks so powerful.

One of the things about powerful people is they have the ability to make it look easy.

The border is a marketplace. The invisible hand of the powerful governs the crossings.

I think that American salesmanship can be a weapon more powerful than the atomic bomb.

There are a lot of women that I think are very powerful and would be great presidents.

I think vampires are a timeless powerful archetype that can tap into people's psyches.

Intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life.

The truly powerful ideas are precisely the ones that never have to justify themselves.

When we truly recognize that our beliefs are that powerful-we hold the key to freedom.

Microsoft is already the most powerful company on earth but you ain't seen nothing yet.

So every single day, I found something to be grateful for and that's a powerful lesson.

It's not that hard to climb a pole. All you need are powerful thighs and an empty soul.

Living a life of service to others is the most powerful sermon of all, don't you think?

Traffic is one of the most powerful films to come out in recent years. It blew me away.

The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen.

One of the most powerful of all our passions is the desire to be admired and respected.

The more complicated and powerful the job, the more rudimentary the preparation for it.

That's what life is: an open door to all that is possible. And that's a powerful thing.

Historically, most women who are powerful are seen as not being nice, even if they are.

The arc of the moral universe may bend towards justice, but it doesn't bend on its own.

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