We're going to be human, and we are going to make mistakes, but you really should understand the power that you have and embrace it in a positive way.

I've always believed we can attract a lot more Canadians to the conservative party by explaining and communicating our policies in a more positive way.

My whole idea, to me, is if you're a heel in wrestling, you should not having a band playing for when you come out and people will react in a positive way.

It's really hard to go out knowing that you are going to be the center of attention just about anywhere you go and that it's not going to be in a positive way.

I think Ray Liotta in 'Goodfellas' is the best ever. Given that it was two hours, it was a little bit more theatrical, and I mean that in the most positive way.

I feel that losing both my legs was a blessing. It was meant to happen to me: I wouldn't have had the opportunity to touch so many lives in such a positive way.

Although I take the medication, which has made a huge impact on my life in a positive way, still, honestly, when I'm a bit sick is when I'm at my most creative.

Someone like David Tennant is able to embrace people's love for 'Doctor Who' in a totally positive way. I have huge admiration for people who are able to do that.

I had been a real problem child, but once I got into acting, my parents never had any more trouble with me because all of that energy was directed in a positive way.

My parents leaving a third world country to a first world country and building from nothing - that's really inspiring to me and it's influenced me in a positive way.

WWE is home; it's a family. I'll always be a part of this as long as I can contribute in some positive way. But I know there's a time when the sun sets on everything.

I'm working to be the best - the very best. There are a lot of people in this industry, and I'm trying to be the best. I'm working to affect history in a positive way.

We try and play football in a positive way. Any team has to be defensively organised, but you have to look at the attributes of the players and play to their strengths.

And that is why marriage and family law has emphasized the importance of marriage as the foundation of family, addressing the needs of children in the most positive way.

President Obama has basically avoided or not done any attempt to intervene in any positive way in the housing market. I think in the financial crisis that's been a shame.

Everyone at home is so supportive. People recognise me, say how proud they are of me. It's awesome to hear, it's amazing to know I can touch so many people in a positive way.

My appetite for public policy and changing it, and not only being a part of the conversation, but affecting it in a positive way, never diminished after 10 years in Congress.

Something I would have never thought that I could have done before is dancing in front of thousands of people. It changed how people view me in a negative and a positive way.

Sometimes coaching is being hard on them, but there's a balance. I'm fine with the word nurturing. It's teaching in a positive way. You have to find what works for each group.

I'm not the best at expressing my feelings other than in songs or on paper. It's just been such a blessing for me my whole life to get my feelings out there in a positive way.

That's the whole point is just to bring people together in a really positive way and laugh together and cry together and just be connected through a simple thing of a few chords.

There are moments when I invoke my dad and think about him on the podium, but in a very positive way. I don't feel at all intimidated by him. I feel like I've found my own voice.

I'm absolutely confident - in fact, I'm optimistic that by focusing on quality and innovation in Medicare - that we can save that program for the long term in a very positive way.

I think 'destined for greatness,' for me, is digging deep inside and knowing that I will always strive to be the best person I can possibly be and effect change in a positive way.

I believe one of the best things about managing people is that we can influence lives in a positive way. That's basically what a manager is about. When I can do that, I am very happy.

It's very easy to imagine someone online in a positive way, but it's only when you sit down, with all five senses in play, that you can really tell, 'Do I find this person attractive?'

If I can lead a happy life, touch the lives of others in a positive way, win the respect of those that I care about - and make a few million along the way - then I have been successful.

Drama school should set you up for failure in a really positive way, because your life as an actor is going to be rejection and it also should train you not be afraid of success either.

I used to hear people say nobody can prepare you for fame, and it's actually very true. But there is such beauty that comes with it when you're able to use your platform in a positive way.

There are a lot of young people out there who need to start using their idle time in a positive way. Parents need to play an important role in making sure their children succeed in school.

The past 6 and a half years have been the most amazing years of my life. It's sad it has come to an end but Avril and I are still family and moving forward in the most positive way possible.

I genuinely do want the world to change in a positive way, but I wouldn't call myself an activist, you know? I'm an entertainer who engages with activism because it feels really meaningful for me.

I taught guitar lessons for a long time for a living before I got on the road. I really enjoyed hanging out with kids, talking about music with them, and trying to influence them in a positive way.

One of AOL's biggest assets is its brand. For people over 30 and, due to AOL Instant Messenger, even a lot of people under 30, AOL was their first real interaction with technology in a positive way.

This is the positive way of seeing the modern Jewish dilemma: I am from everywhere. The negative way is no matter where you go, you find out that you're a victim, that you're unwanted and don't belong.

The Games are just a nice, positive way to build friendships, camaraderie and, of course, self-esteem. Plus, the Games are a great opportunity for people to participate in sports who normally wouldn't.

Come on, I'm a television star. Nobody on television is curing cancer. I've had a great ride, and I'm very honored to have been in this business. I'm happy if I managed to affect people in a positive way.

Winning a trophy would be a good way to finish a bad season in a positive way. But I'm not obsessed by the fact I have to win a trophy every year - it's a nice thing, but I know it's sometimes impossible.

I feel ups and downs are a part of one's career, and this totally depends on how you take it. You can either be knocked down by the negative things, or you can take it in a positive way and learn from it.

So there was a fire inside me. And that fire inside you, it can be turned into a negative form or a positive form. And I gradually realised that I had this fire and that it had to be used in a positive way.

I think that, just in general, my number one priority is to just go out of your way to stay yourself and put yourself out there in a positive way. It's so easy, and you can connect with a lot of your friends.

Being a person is really hard, obviously depending on your background for some people it can be much harder, but mental health and how we feel about ourselves is so key to changing the world in a positive way.

Reggae has a philosophy, you know? It's not just entertainment. There's an idea behind it, a way of life behind the music, which is a positive way of life, which is a progressive way of life for better people.

If I see one kid dressed up like Thunder or Lightning or Black Lightning, I'll feel like I influenced the culture in a very positive way. That's the endgame for me. If this happens, my mission will be complete.

Fortunately, good policy, true principles, and effective leadership work whenever they are tried. When we reduce government, balance budgets, and keep taxes as low as possible, states respond in a positive way.

I launched Chefs for Humanity, a national nonprofit, with my voice, heart and money from my own pocket. Money gives you the ability to make a difference in the world and, when used in a positive way, is a lot of fun.

CBS garners a predominately older white audience, and by having a show like 'Superior Donuts' on their weekly programming, it distorts what people are used to seeing in a positive way. It's a show I think was necessary.

We work hard on the show. We really believe in the show. It's an enormous privilege to work on a show that has the power to touch people's lives in such a positive way. The fan mail and the e-mail certainly reflect that.

It's arguing, in a very good and positive way. It's sort of sitting down and pulling an argument apart. I think that's a very oddly Jewish thing. And it's the chaos of family and a slight sort of cosy messiness of it all.

A lot of things have happened that I wish I could have just walked away from. But you wind up saying, 'This is what it is - how does it get better, or how does it affect you, or how can you influence it in a positive way?'

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