It's much easier for me to make major life, multi-million dollar ...

It's much easier for me to make major life, multi-million dollar decisions, than it is to decide on a carpet for my front porch. That's the truth.

My ideal summer day was reading on the porch.

Like a four-sided porch I'm open to all winds.

I'm not the type to sit on the porch and watch life go by.

Shoot you on the front porch and knock you to the back yard.

I'm very square and proud of it. The flag stays on the porch here.

I get on my porch with my guitar, look at my trees, and write a song.

I'm actively going out onto the porch and noodling around on my guitar.

One of the happiest times of my life, I lived in a tent on a porch on Hawaii.

I'm not going to sit on the porch of the old anchorman's home with a drool cup.

The night I announced I was getting married, Daddy paced for hours on the porch.

In summer, I like to sit and compose on the porch, where I can see people come and go.

I don't know if Rush Limbaugh knows the difference between a screen porch and a screen play.

A wild and crazy weekend involves sitting on the front porch, smoking a cigar, reading a book.

I wanted to be that cranky old guy that stands on his porch and yells at the neighborhood kids.

I was always feisty, always that kid that would be on the porch with a hairbrush singing or rapping.

I don't want to be the guy who sits on a front porch with a mint julep in his hand and rocks his life away.

Ultimately, my goal is to inspire little brown girls that look like me, that are sitting on the porch wearing cornrows.

'The First Time' is a song that I wrote by myself on my front porch, in real-time, as that situation was happening to me.

I'm an old-fashioned guy... I want to be an old man with a beer belly sitting on a porch, looking at a lake or something.

Eating cold tuna fish out of a tin on a porch while two people are in love across a lake - I think that's desperately lonely.

When I was about 3, my grandfather used to give me and my sister a nickel to sit out on the front porch with him and sing songs.

That porch is a happy-looking place, and my father - burdened, stoop-shouldered, cadaverously thin - doesn't seem to belong on it.

I live in New York and it's the greatest city, but sometimes I want to move to the place with the porch and the lemonade and the farm.

Yeah, I could go rock on the back porch and do crossword puzzles - but I've got six kids, ages 9 to 16, and someone in the family should work. That's me.

True luxury is being able to own your time - to be able to take a walk, sit on your porch, read the paper, not take the call, not be compelled by obligation.

The first time I met Ray, I was going to school around the corner from his house. One day, he was playing the piano. I eased up on the porch to listen to him.

I have a screened in porch, and it's nice to curl up with a book outside when it's raining, especially an old battered classic like 'Pride & Prejudice & Zombies.'

My grandmother told me a long time ago, 'I don't care if you're sweeping a porch for a living.' She said, 'You need to do your best.' So I've lived by that every single day.

When I was a junior, boys were allowed to come visit me at the house. We could sit on the porch until about 8 o'clock at night; that's when it started getting dark. That was it.

I've lived so much life as a young man. New Orleans, we got terms, and one's like, 'He jumped off the porch early.' That's kind of what happened to me. I had to grow up really quick.

To wake up when the sun comes up and enjoy that and then, when the sun goes down, to have a nice property or house where I could watch it on my porch when I'm older. It would be peaceful.

My favorite scene in all of movies is Gregory Peck in 'To Kill A Mockingbird': You see him where he's on the porch, and his face is almost completely obscured. I don't want to see his face.

I remember myself, age five, sitting on a porch overlooking a very muddy road. The day was rainy. I was wearing rubber boots, yellow - no, not yellow, green - and for all I know, I'm still there.

I'm not a gun nut, but go out on my porch. Look around - what's there? Zero, nothing. If I had a problem out here, well, the police would arrive just in time to draw the chalk outline on my floor.

All of the courses that run through real streets are very demanding. There is no room for error, no shoulders to lean on. If you go off the road, you're into somebody's shop-window or front porch.

My joking answer to this question is that I leave a bowl of milk out on the back porch every night for the Idea Fairy. In the morning, the milk is gone and there's a brand-new shiny idea by the bowl.

Every vice president since Mondale has lived up on this hill, on the twelve-acre campus of the Naval Observatory in Northwest Washington. It's a pretty house with a wraparound porch and a white turret.

I rap on 'Front Porch Junkies' and 'Whatcha Got in that Cup.' I try to channel my inner Lil Wayne and Drake. It's fun to be able to freestyle over a country melody and say country words over a rap song.

I write longhand; I make changes longhand, and I have an assistant who types it up. She lives 70 yards away. Every afternoon, I have a case I leave out on the porch, and she brings it back the next morning.

For me Louisiana was mostly family when I was there. We hardly left; there was no need to... We hardly left the front porch. You would just sit, and folks would come by, and it was really old school in that way.

With Jackson there was quiet solitude. Just to sit and look at the landscape. An inner quietness. After dinner, to sit on the back porch and look at the light. No need for talking. For any kind of communication.

America is the one place where you can talk of 'this nation' and everyone knows exactly what you think. People put a flag on their porch, and they do have a desire to localize everything and celebrate things locally.

I devised the Bert Lance Toe Test then - you go out on the front porch of the house, turn 'The Washington Post' over with your big toe, and if your name's above the fold, you know you're not going to have a good day.

One day, my youngest uncle - the other one who was first to go to college, Randy - and I were sitting out on the front porch. And he was brilliant. He ended up - he just retired from Boeing Aircraft in Wichita, Kansas.

I'm happy to feed the squirrels - tree rats with the agility of point guards - but in fair weather, they frighten my finches. They leap from snowbank to porch to feeder and stuff their cheek pouches with chickadee feed.

One of the very few things that I actually read about myself on blogs that got to me was people saying, 'Ne-Yo doesn't do R&B music anymore.' Just because I stepped off the porch to explore doesn't mean I don't live in that house anymore.

The happiest moments of my childhood were spent on my grandmother's front porch in Durham, N.C., or at her sister's farmhouse in Orange County, where chickens paraded outside the kitchen's screen door and hams were cured in the smokehouse.

I had a great childhood. Even though I never had my own room - I shared the porch with my grandfather and kept my belongings in one drawer of a dresser that was jammed next to the piano - I never went hungry and was always supported by my family.

Dad played with me a great deal, as dads should do, and our chief sport was baseball. He bought me a hardball when I was three years old, and he used to sit in a rocker on the front porch while I sat on the grass in the yard, and we'd play catch by the hour.

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