Cubans are a people who suffered from capitalism in the cruelest way, in the social order, the economic order and the political order.

Power always has to be kept in check; power exercised in secret, especially under the cloak of national security, is doubly dangerous.

All the governments just want to have more power when it comes to economic espionage, diplomatic manipulation and political influence.

Apparently, a democracy is a place where numerous elections are held at great cost without issues and with interchangeable candidates.

We did not anticipate the political fallout from it. We definitely didn't need it and we paid it back the first day we were allowed to.

Men are not allowed to think freely about chemistry and biology: why should they be allowed to think freely about political philosophy?

I witnessed a lot of violence, and I found myself asking the question: Do you ever use violence to try to bring about political change?

We have a political culture of intimidation, of favoring, of patronage, and of fear, and that is no way for a community to be governed.

Where there is a sufficient social movement of self-reliant communities, there can be political change. There must be political change.

I knew most of my radio listeners were lefty political people, and I decided definitively not to be that guy - not to address politics.

The courtroom is a quiet place, Judge Roberts, where you park your political ideology, and you call the balls and you call the strikes.

Partisanship is our great curse. We too readily assume that everything has two sides and that it is our duty to be on one or the other.

It is better that some should be unhappy rather than that none should be happy, which would be the case in a general state of equality.

My political life has been informed by the view that if there was any truth to religion there wouldn't really be any need for politics.

Yes, a dictator can be loved. Provided that the masses fear him at the same time. The crowd love strong men. The crowd is like a woman.

I will not be a Democrat or a Republican. They are the problem, not the solution. We need to abolish political parties in this country.

I knew it might put him in an awkward position that we had a discussion before finality has finally happened in this presidential race.

The way to put oneself in a position to take the harder, more honorable political path is to argue for one's virtues in a vigorous way.

Are we all clear that we want to build something that can aspire to be a world power - not just a trading bloc, but a political entity?

Washington has a mysterious power to turn perfectly reasonable, wholesome, well-meaning human beings into equivocating crooked gasbags.

Great political questions stir the deepest nature of one-half the nation, but they pass far above and over the heads of the other half.

When I became political and Communist, it was because they were the only people I had ever met who fought the color bar in their lives.

Those who have a lot of money in Greece invest in housing abroad. It's all immoral. The Greek crisis is structural, but also political.

The masculine in each of us struggles for greater freedom and tries to achieve it through financial, creative, or political challenges.

Treat all economic questions from the viewpoint of the consumer, for the interests of the consumer are the interests of the human race.

For some reason I get advertised when I travel as a political comedian, which I'm not. Sometimes I talk about it and sometimes I don't.

Political chaos is connected with the decay of language... one can probably bring about some improvement by starting at the verbal end.

The reason I am a political radical is that I work on syntax. If I worked on semantics (which in fact I do), I'd be a good Thatcherite.

It is a fair summary of history to say that the safeguards of liberty have been forged in controversies involving not very nice people.

True equality means holding everyone accountable in the same way, regardless of race, gender, faith, ethnicity - or political ideology.

I try not to mix the politics as much with the band, per se, because my political views are my own; they're not necessarily the band's.

I'm not a political person. I usually beware of political persons. I know many, but I'm not one of them. I have no political ambitions.

The crisis of black politics can only be resolved through the development of multiclass, multiracial, progressive political structures.

Even though the crime rate has dropped in recent years, the United States has more police per capita then any other nation in the world.

When you see how the President makes political or policy decisions, you see who he is. The essence of the Presidency is decision-making.

I don't get asked a lot of questions about who is the best political candidate or what my position is on what the Senate is about to do.

A writer who takes political, social or literary positions must act only with the means that are his. These means are the written words.

There is one solution to all of our problems: Teaching our kids clarity of thought and political representation in democracy. That's it.

This is an area where North Carolina does excel. I have known more colorful North Carolina political figures than I have colorless ones.

If the idea of revolution is to win out, it must be through political enlightenment. It is useless to try to impose it by force of arms.

If everybody in this town connected with politics had to leave town because of chasing women and drinking, you would have no government.

What is the primary purpose of a political leader? To build a majority. If voters care about parking lots, then talk about parking lots.

We need to remember that politics is all about people, not programs. We shouldn't want to take the humanness out of the political arena.

It is important to expose yourself to ideas you don't agree with from time to time. Attend a political rally of a party you do not like.

I've never seen more dishonest media than frankly, the political media. I thought the financial media was much better, much more honest.

there are people who read my work and accuse me of being political! As far as I'm concerned that's like accusing a dog of having a bark!

The corniest movie ever made about the white man's need to lose his identity and assuage racial, political, sexual and historical guilt.

Democracies are expense-averse and they think in terms of short-term, political interests rather than a long-term interest in stability.

Politics is a way of ruling in divided societies without undue violence...politics is not just a necessary evil; it is a realistic good.

The question for me is not are we political, but how are we political? We need to be politically engaged, but peculiar in how we engage.

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