Nobody trains 'eye poke defense.'

Smile, it's better than a poke in the eye.

Poke gave him life. Ender gave it meaning.

It's fun for someone to poke fun at himself.

We have to be able to poke fun at ourselves.

Reject the tyranny of picked. Pick yourself.

Though he love not to buy the pig in the poke.

One of my favorite ways to eat albacore is tuna poke.

Stop, stop, stop, you're going to poke someone's eye out!

If you poke the Russian bear with a stick ,he will respond.

The only good imitations are those that poke fun at bad originals.

But the scars are always there, waiting for something to poke them.

The public is like a piano. You just have to know what keys to poke.

One should not poke their nose into the private life of other persons.

A man that ain't willin' to cheat for a poke don't want it bad enough.

I will not try to escape fights if someone tries to poke or trigger me.

I never, ever see myself as a celebrity or famous, so I poke fun at that.

I wouldn't poke fun at someone if they were weak. I wouldn't bully somebody.

I think people are tired of politicians trying to poke each other in the eye.

There's something that doesn't make sense. Let's go and poke it with a stick.

Trolling taps into people's desire to poke fun, make trouble and cause annoyance.

I'm like a snake sleeping on a rock. I won't bother you unless you poke a stick at me.

I poke fun of everybody and everything. And who's easier to make fun of than your mother?

People always say, 'My family is so normal,' and when you poke into them, they never are.

I think the State shouldn't poke its nose into the sexual relations of consenting adults.

I've never been bitten by a shark, though God knows I had to poke a lot of them in the nose.

Desmond, don't poke the baby!'... 'I'll get you next time-' Don't threaten the baby either!'.

Let's Wrestle would rather poke fun than point fingers, even if there's a problem that needs fixing.

This is a business. I'm a professional athlete. This isn't, 'poke somebody and start a street fight.'

I've always been someone who needs someone with them to poke and annoy. I'm useless at being by myself.

Respectfully, 'Awkward Black Girl' was never meant to be politically correct. We poke fun at ignorance.

Comic-Con is incredibly important to San Diego, but that doesn't mean we can't poke a little fun at it!

I've never been married, but I'm imagining what it's like: Sometimes Jack snores, and I get to poke him.

I just don't believe that being conservative means all you do is throw stones and poke people in the eye.

Whenever I guard a guard, I don't want to reach too much, but I will poke at the ball once to get him thinking.

You have to learn where people's funnybone is before you can start to poke fun and work out where that joy lies.

A number of American colleges are willing to pay a tempting amount to pinch and poke an author for a day or two.

There's a lot to do when you're a kid - spiders to catch, girls to poke in the eye - stuff to be getting on with.

Being a comedy writer gives you permission to be an outsider and poke fun at what people think about other people.

For me, one of the privileges of being a writer is to poke your nose around and learn about worlds you don't know.

Grissom is a character who doesn't really want people poking around in his life. He likes to poke around in his work.

Carrie doesn't seem to talk about anything with sharp edges. Maybe she's afraid they might poke her and then she'd burst.

I am driven by ingredients. My Italian heritage and French training inevitably poke through as well, guiding my techniques.

I check to look at the collections and love to poke around some of the other fashion blogs to see what's going on.

Facebook people are finding me that I don't really know. People poke you on Facebook. I'm like, 'Why? Why are you poking me?'

If you like good ol' fashion Southern soul food then, yes, I am a good cook! My specialty is chicken dumplings and poke salad.

I'm the first to poke fun at myself when it comes to the hair. I even ask the audience 'hands up who had big hair in the 80s?'.

You can't take yourself too seriously; it's important to poke fun at yourself. Once in a while, it is great to show your inadequacies, too.

I'll do humor about myself, I'll poke fun and everything, but that's me and I can do it to me. I think it's cruel to do it to somebody else.

Though ye loue not to bye the pyg in the poke,Yet snatche ye at the poke, that the pyg is in,Not for the poke, but the pyg good chepe to wyn.

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